Linzer Bier from upper Austria on Beersaturday Sunday

Tiday we celebrated the baptism of my little nephew Moritz. We had a bunch of good food in an old guest hoise called Bratwurstglöckerl. This one I pinned for you on the map of travelfeed.
After the food which was plenty we went to my sister in law to celebrate some more where I took the images of this beer
The Linzer Bier is brewed in Zipf upper Austria where the famous Zipfer beer is coming from.
To be honest it just tasted like the Zipfer beer but with a different bottle.
The design of the the lbel is not as sophisticated as Hübris but you can’t have it all. The ingerdeients as always or at least most of the times when I write about beer are:
Water, barley malt and hops.
This beer label is part of the Brau Union which van be considered the biggest union of breweries in Austria. Some even call it the brewing mafia.
If you want to find out more about the Linzer Bier you can check out the website of the brewery mafia, eh sorry, I meant the Brau Union of course.

A little more to the taste, my opinion is biased by several Gösser Beers from the tap and a few shots of really high percentage spirits. I did enjoy the Linzer Bier but it was nothing super special. It very much resembles thy Zipfer Urtyp, which is a BEER for another post.

This is an entry to the #beersaturday community and i would like to invite @checkz to join in and write a vouple of words about BEER.

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