Beer Tasting: Grolsch Pilsener & Staročeőko Svijetlo

Hello, beer tasters! 🍻 😎 🍻

It's #beersaturday again!
Yesterday I came home from the business trip and I have a few hours available to prepare this post because then I'm going somewhere else again.
I have two beers here, one Dutch, and one Croatian, in cans. We'll see what they show.

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Grolsch Premium Pilsener

Brewed by Grolsche Bierbrouwerij Ned. (Asahi), Brouwerslaan 1, Boekelo, Netherlands.
Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 5.0 % ABV. As the name says, it's Pilsener style beer.

And what do Master brewers say?

We’ve been brewing beers of real substance since we started in Grolle in 1615. Our Premium Pilsner has a naturally green hop aroma, a crisp finish and a clean, confident bitterness from the combination of two Hallertau hops Emerald and Magnum. The result is a pilsner with a depth of taste, that naturally appeals to a more developed palette.
With our Premium Pilsner, our aim is to deliver you a drinking experience that is both refreshing and substantial. A beer with full flavor, to be enjoyed with friends.

Well, to be honest, I don't need beer to enjoy with friends...

The beer is golden in color, clear, with a lot of foam, and not very persistent.
The first sip goes down the throat smoothly, the hop bitterness is present, it seems a bit watery, there is malt in the background, hay, a classic lager I would say.
There is a distinct hop bitterness in the aftertaste for a while and then it all disappears.

Beer as beer. Nothing special, a standard pilsner, enough to cool off the summer heat (which is no longer there because it has been raining for two days...) and you can get it everywhere.
I don't know why it's called the premium. πŸ€”

Let's move on.

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The weather is completely changed here, we went from summer straight into the cold autumn in a few days and today it was already snowing on the peaks of the hills around me.

That's the Sneznik peak (1796 m) in the background, full of snow.

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Unfortunately, I couldn't join HiveFest 2022, but I'm following it backward. And, here's @detlev presentation in Hive Fest 2022.

Great presentation, he discusses communities, not only ours but about all communities in general. Worth a listen for anyone who wants to create and manage a Hive community. It's about 10 minutes to watch.

Let's go back to the beer tasting!

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Staročeőko Svijetlo

Brewed by Pivovara Daruvar, Daruvar, Croatia.
Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 4.8 % ABV, 25 IBU. It's a lager. Nothing to say more here.

And what do Master brewers say?

Every glass of Staročeőko lager contains the spirit of the Czech brewing tradition, which has been carefully preserved and lovingly passed down since 1840.

I tasted some beers of Daruvar brewery and they weren't bad.

It's a clear golden yellow beer with a solid white foam. The sip goes smoothly down the throat, the malt is the most present, the hop bitterness is more in the background, some little herbal aromas.
In the aftertaste, only the bitterness remains and soon disappears.

The same applies to the previous one. Nothing special, an average industrial lager. There's nothing in this beer that I would recommend it to anyone.

It's, however, available everywhere here. But I have to repeat that I've tasted much better beers from this same brewery.

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And what am I listening to as I write this? Basically, when I finish this (I'll post it when I get back or later), I'm going to go to a recording session of a great Slovenian band I mentioned in the last #newtunes post.

Haiku Garden ~ Loose Contacts

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More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😎 😁

2017 🍻 2018 🍻 2019 🍻 2020 🍻 2021 🍻 2022

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


Take a look into Beer Community
if you want to read more Beer adventures.

And if you want to share your beer experience,
send the story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There are two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

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