Beer Tasting: Estrella Damm and Peroni Lager

Hello, beer tasters! 🍻 😎 🍻

What's new? Nothing special here. Easter is coming, I'm at home, #beersaturday beers are ready to taste.
I have a red attack!
I mean, I have two red cans with some let's say more or fewer summer beers.

btw: my wife prepared this nice decoration

Even though it's just the beginning of spring, I'm getting ready for summer with these beers. Just kidding. 😁
In fact, I was in a shop and saw two red beers, one next to the other, and I thought that's it for today.

First the one with less alcohol.

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Estrella Damm


It comes from Spain, more specifically from Catalonia, and Barcelona. Brewed by Grupo Damm.
Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 4.6% ABV. Standard lager style.

What do the Master Brewers say?

This beer is the jewel in the crown of Damm’s century-long beer-brewing experience. Since 1876, when Alsatian August Kuentzmann Damm founded the company bearing his name, numerous generations of master brewers have perfected this lager until it has become a landmark in the world of beers.

Hm... really? It's not summer and I'm not exactly on the Mediterranean (I live close to it) but good beer is good at any time of the year.


The beer is clear yellow in color, the head is average, and disappears quickly. It has no particular smell.
It goes down the throat quickly, without any stuckness, and there is no particular taste apart from a slight hop bitterness that lingers in the aftertaste for a while.


Standard lager, I'll say. True, it's certainly refreshing in the summer heat, but otherwise it's nothing special. Like all beers from big corporations.
It won't keep cool in my fridge, for that kind of money (€1.19) I can get better local...

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And beer meme before next ...


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Peroni Lager


Brewed by Birra Peroni Industriale, Rome, Italy. Can, 0.5 l, alcohol 4.7% ABV. Standard lager.

And what do the Master Brewers say?

The original Italian lager. Peroni is the number one lager brand in Italy and has been for over one and a half centuries. This premium, clear, golden-yellow lager, with 4.7 ABV, is the result of the dedication to brewing of generations of the most qualified Baumeisters. Brewed using the finest spring barley malts and hops, its taste is slightly bitter. A refreshing smooth lager, Peroni is suitable for all occasions.

Well, we'll see if it really fits all occasions.


The beer is light and clear yellow in color and the head disappears quickly. It has no smell.
It passes quickly down the throat, the bitterness of the hops is perceptible but not too much, and there are no other flavors. In the aftertaste, the bitterness disappears quickly.


Very similar to the previous beer. A standard industrial lager, with an even higher price (€1.39). This beer is also considered to be, in the summer time, refreshing, but I can't find anything special in it.
The price is also a bit high, compared to the local and Czech beers you can get in the shops here, so it won't keep cool in my fridge.

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And what am I listening to as I write this? Something from my yesterday's #newtunes post.
This trap is more my kids listen to but the melody and rhythm go fast in the ear ...

Yung Lean ft. FKA twigs - Bliss

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More stories about beers? You can go back a little further in history! 😎 😁

2017🍻2018🍻2019🍻2020 🍻2021🍻2022

Stay healthy and enjoy your beer!


Take a look into Beer Community
if you want to read more Beer adventures.

And if you want to share your beer experience,
send the story to the Hive BeerSaturday challenge for fun.

BEER token is ready for you, too :)

Thanks, @detlev who started all this!

btw: There's two BEER Games in town:


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5% of the earnings of this post will go to beneficiaries of the community (@beerlover).

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