Weekend Hangout With A Friend.


It's the weekend. I was home alone, scrolling through my phone. Looking for something to keep me busy. I watched funny videos online and there was a particular one that reminded me of a friend of mine whom I promised to visit before the holiday is over but haven't gotten around to doing so. Now the holiday is over and I am back to work and I still haven't gotten around to going to see her.

The funny part is that her shop where she sells groceries amongst other things is just about a 20 minutes drive from my place. I immediately thought of something and I decided to give her a surprise visit at her shop since I had nothing else to do at home.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number.

”Hey Rukkie”, she screamed my name immediately she picked up.

”Hi Anu”I responded and we immediately got talking. I actually called her in order to find out if she was at the shop before leaving home. I made sure my questions didn't give me away that I was to come visit her. I told her I didn't forget about my promise to visit her and assured her I will definitely find time to do so.

We talked for a few minutes before hanging up the call. I immediately started preparing to go visit her. I dressed up in no time and also wasted no time in getting a cab that took me straight to my destination.

As I walked down the distance from the bus stop to her shop, I could already picture her reaction when she sees me. As I got closer, I saw her attending to a customer who came to buy something at her shop and I waited at the entrance to allow her to finish up with what she was doing. After handing the customer his balance, she looked up, saw me and froze with her mouth wide open.

”Surprise!”I screamed and to say she was shocked was an understatement.

”Rukkiieeee”, she screamed right back, pulling me into a hug as I burst out into laughter.

”You crazy woman”, she said, still not believing that I would be visiting her that day after speaking to her on the phone.

She invited me into her shop and we got talking immediately. We really had a lot to talk about since the last time we saw each other.

After some minutes, she had to attend to a customer and she told me to open the fridge and get a chilled drink for myself.


I opened the fridge which contained lots of drinks. I was contemplating on the one to choose when I saw this beauty. Budweiser Beer. It's been a while since I had this beer.

This beer is one of my favorites. It was so chilled that I knew I would so much enjoy it like I always do. She came back to join me and saw my choice of drink and she smiled knowing fully well my love for beer.

She quickly got me a cup and I poured the beer into it and took a long sip. It felt so good that I immediately took another sip and another.

”Hahaha, I have really forgotten how much you love beer, rukkie”, she said as we started another round of conversation. We talked and laughed like forever. I could see the joy on her face that she was glad I decided to visit afterall.


When I was done with the first drink, she went into the fridge and brought out another for me. She also bought some snacks for me at the shop opposite hers which we ate together.

After about many hours later (okay, maybe I exaggerated), I stood up ready to go back home.

”When do I see you again?” She asked, as I pulled out of her embrace.

”Don't worry, I will find time to visit again “I assured her as I waved her goodbye.

As I got back home. I was smiling like I won a lottery because it really was a fun-filled day for me. I was so glad that I decided to go visit her, and I can't wait to do so again.

All Images used are mine.

This is #BeerSaturday week. Thank you @beckyroyal for the reminder 😘😘😘😘. You can make a post too in any language about beer with at least 3 pictures.

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