Not All Tiger Roar

Saturday at the office was a bit boring. We were few in the office today. Some of the employees was on duty this Saturday. I came to the office because I had some unfinished work on Friday. To be honest everywhere was still very scanty that I took a walk to a nearby street were I saw this building with scaffolding. I think This Scaffolding is just to fix those glasses. By the time I returned to the office after my little break, I discovered that everyone has vacated the building. Everyone has rushed back to their respective homes. I believe this is because they want to watch the AFCON football tournament between Nigeria and Cameroon.

As boring as I was I decided to spark my day with the Tiger that don't roar. To be candid I thought this Tiger Larger Beer was a new Beer in the market. This particular Beer is not as popular as some. It was until I looked up on the Internet that I saw that this Tiger Beer is actually Ninety Two (92) years and counting. This Beer is really even older than my country. Truth be told the Internet is so revealing for without it, no matter how civilized we are we will still know nothing. The Internet is so helpful. The Tiger Beer really made my day. After sipping it gradually, I felt alive again and all the boredom had gone away. I finished up my Beer and headed home to me wonderful family.

Again thank you @detlev for this wonderful #beersaturday community. It lightens up my weekend every now and then. I always anticipate on seeing the next Saturday of every week.

In whatever you do on a weekend always remember there will be another weekend. So always drink responsibly and do not drive and drive and do not drive and drink

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