Like Honey to Bees Is Beer to Flies

Before the first sip of any beer, it is very important to ensure that both the glass is clean and the top part of the can is wash / rinsed. Even if you just finished using the glass. It is very important to wash it again with soap to prevent any contamination from flies. It is not new to us that flies love the taste of our dear beer and can persive the smell from the nearest distance. Once they smell it they are definitely coming for a taste. One disappointing thing is they will not only taste but contaminate wherever they perch on. At the end we get infected because we want to sip beer. It is very important to ensure that both the can and glass is sparkling clean.

The is this feeling I get whenever I see a foaming beer on my table. As far as I am concerned the foam differentiate it from other type of liquor. The fact that the alcohol percentage is very low make me take at least two bottles during a football match.

A very cold beer is like a precious metal in the sight of those who know the value. Sometimes the temperature makes me want to take more but no matter how I let discipline lead. One has to drink responsibly. I love to share my #BeerSaturday by @detlev.

Once the content of my beer is exhausted I make it lie down. To me it is a sign that the can has been conquered.

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