Beer Review :: Brewdog :: Honest Review

Hello Friends,

Welcome to another blog of beer review.

Today I am going to review a beer that doesn't even qualify to be one. So far in my life, this is one of those drinks that I did not even drink the whole pint.

BrewDog Wildcard Wheat

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Rs 340 ($ 4) for a pint in Bangalore.

Aroma- Gives a synthetic smell which is very bad to the nose feel. Plastic like fragrancy topped with sherry-like sweetness.

Appearance- The beer has zero head retention almost flat, weird ripened peaches colour. You can taste Conditioning Yeast with a lot of density. I totally understand how the bottle conditioning works, but a sight I would not appreciate.

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Mouthfeel- That is one of the most pathetic experience I have had. When I poured it in the mug I was disheartened with the aroma and appearance but when I tasted it, I could taste the stale and synthetic texture of the beer. It was so bad that I have to drain it out.

Conclusion- You can find a cheaper option in the form of any carbonated drink and save yourself.

Thank you for your time.



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