Double craft beer review. Rocket science brewery from Bulgaria.

Oh, these were some nice flavorings to the day off work. I decided to go for two of their beers. One for me and one for my wife. I like very much lazy Sunday afternoons when there’s nothing to do at all and we can pamper ourselves with tasty beers. The one I chose was a pale ale.

And my wife decided to enjoy a Porter, having in mind the autumn temperatures tend to become lower and lower.


Well, I cannot remember if I had a beer from this brewery before. I may have tasted one example… however, the brewery is relatively new to Bulgaria and the guys seem to do a very decent job in the brewing process. The labeling is also very unique and distinguishable. You cannot mistake their beers. They are not very fancy, but are quite well arranged.



The pale ale was quite fresh tasting and not very thick, but I think it was a bit old, because the hops had started to convert the fresh fruity aromas into some grassy ones. The issue was not very disturbing though. The Porter itself was a very traditional and balanced one. Nothing special, nothing fancy. Just a great representative of the style. After all this is a beer that cannot be spoiled easily from higher temperatures and improper storage. This is an issue of the heavily hopped beers.



Directly comparing the two of them, the Porter was better enjoyed, especially in the cool autumn afternoon. Of course the pale ale was good too, but if I had to choose again, I’d probably go with the Porter, like my wife too!

That’s for now fellas, see you soon and have a wonderful week!

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