English and Scottish Beers

I haven't been drinking many beers as of late - maybe one every week or two. But the weather is starting to get a little nicer these days, so I've been more incline to buy another batch of beers and to pour a pint every now and again when the feeling strikes.

For this #Beersaturday post I have two beers to review. One ks an English style ale and the other a Lager with a Scottish name. I hope that you enjoy these beers from "across the pond." Actually both of the beers were brewed in Canada but this is the theme that I've chosen so lets all just pretend and go along with it. Cheers!

Cup & Saucer


Brewery: Manitoulin Brewing Co
Origin: Manitoulin Island, ON Canada
Style: English Ale
Abv: 5.0%


Marketing: Monochrome style, purple pink and magenta color scheme in this can. Hiker on a cliff overlooking a forest image. The scene is apparently known as the cup and saucer and is a famous location in the area that the beer originates from. Personally, I think that this can is beautiful.


There is a story on the back about the cup and saucer hiking spot which they tie back into the beer. It's sometimes nice to have something to read while you sip your beer.


Color: The beer poured a beautiful burnt orange color and had a hearty frothy cream colored head on top. The foam lasted a decent amount of time too. That is always a plus. The beer was hazy and unfiltered.


Nose: Fresh bread, orange peel maybe? A nice hoppy aroma.

Taste: Very mildly tart up front followed by a strong bitterness. Fresh tasting, citrusy hops flavors coming though.

Texture: Light bubbles and a smooth texture. Nice overall.


Impression: This beer was excellent in my opinion. I quite enjoyed it and would buy it again for sure.

Loch Ness Lager


Brewery: Expedition Brewing Co
Origin: ON Canada
Style: Bitter Lager?
Abv: 5.0%
IBU: 25 as per online sources.


Marketing: Scottish fisherman imagery on a beautiful color palate of rish and deep greens, yellows and blues. A very nice can design which I like quite a bit overall.


Not a lot of additional info about the beer though, which is a little disappointing.


Color: This beer poured a hazy golden yellow with a hearty white head of foam on top that stuck around for a while. We like it when the foam stays for a bit.

Nose: The initial aroma was noticeably malty up front. Fresh grassy hay came through for me, bread dough and maybe some very light citrus notes in there also.


Taste: Not a very balanced beer, with it leaning more to the bitter side. A little dry up front. Tons of flavor overall.

Texture: Nicely carbonated with smaller bubbles. Silky feeling underneath. Medium bodied and has that almost oily quality that you find in highly hopped beers.


Impression: A decent beer with lots of flavor. I really liked it at first but after about a quarter way through the bitterness and oily mouthfeel was over powering to me. It reminded me of an IPA a little which tend not to sit well with me.

Well thats it for this review. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your pint if you're drinking one. Cheers everyone!

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