A Review of Two Amber Beers

For this week's #Beersaturday post I figured I'd change it up a bit from my normal routine of drinking Stout beers and instead review two different amber beers. Let's see how they faired shall we?

Ambear Red Ale


Brewery: Cameron's Brewing Co
Origin: Oakville ON, Canada
Style: Red Ale
Abv: 5.0%


Marketing: Simple minimalist mountain and bear imagery. Clever play on words - Bear + Amber = Ambear! Cameron's beer logo prominently displayed. Pleasant color scheme. Nothing fancy about this can but it's effective.


A little bit of a story on the back of the can for some additional pizzazz, as many beers do nowadays. I'm not sure how a beer can be "intelligent" but it certainly sounds good.


Color: A coppery amber colored beer with a thin layer of beige-tan colored bubbles.

Nose: A sweet malty smell up front, somewhat fruity, candied fruit and maybe grape must?

Taste: Sweet and malty upfront moving into slightly tangy and finishing bitter. Decently balanced though leaning more towards the mildly sweet end. Quite nice to me.

Texture: Tight Sharp bubble with a bit of weightiness on the tongue. Medium bodied.

Impression: As you might be able to tell from the photos above, I drank this beer after pulling up the hardwood floors in my kitchen space. It was a little treat after completing a hard job. Overall I really like malt forward beers and this ones fit the bill for me quite nicely. It was a very good beer in my opinion and I would definitely buy it again in the future. I've tried other beers from the Brewery in the past and I have liked them quite a bit so I'll continue to keep a look out for more beers by Cameron's.

St. Andre


Brewery: Cool Beer Brewing Co
Origin: Toronto ON, Canada
Style: Bohemian Lager
Abv: 4.6%


Marketing: red and grey color scheme, beer with halo image to fit its "Saintly" theme. Some additional info listed on the can about color and hops - sliding scale. The can is okay to me. I wasn't exactly sure what a Bohemian Lager is so I looked it up and found out that its a Pilsner, light in color, clear, hop forward in taste and aroma with either herbal, earthy, floral or spicy notes. It should slightly sweet and bitter. To me it kind of sounds like you could be talking about any beer with that description. Nonetheless, I think that this beer aptly fits the criteria.


Color: A clear liquid, light copper color with a cream colored head.


Nose: Very fragrant but not quite as much as an IPA, very hard for me to place the smell. Its like a citrus and/or floral aroma but not really. A sweet Malty smell. I almost get an apple like aroma from it.


Taste: This beer has a mild sweetness up front but also has a dryness to it which is very contradictory. It kind of has an apple water quality to it for me as well. Some bitterness, but it finished quickly. Balanced for sure.

Texture: Very interesting texture happening here. Its like tiny sharp bubble that gives the beer a fizziness rather than a carbonation. Light bodied.

Impression: This beer was a straight up enigma for me. It was very strange but in a good way. It was interesting to explore. This is a gulper more than a sipper for me. It has a very refreshing quality about it, like you would want to drink it quickly after a run or a bike ride. It reminds me of a dry cider in a way. I liked it overall. I would drink this on a hot day or after some outdoor activity like gardening in the sun.

Well thats it for now. Until next time, thanks for stopping by. Cheers everyone!

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