Beer Calendar Day 19 - Beersaturday

Hi everyone

As you might already know from all the different post here on Hive, at the moment is Hivefest. Unfortnately I wasn't really able to attend, because I was a bit late about informing myself about it and didn't really have time to attend. But today also at Hivefest is the Beersaturday event and so I want to write today a longer post in english to participate in the Beersaturday


I have got from my parents a beer advent calendar with an unique and spacial beer each day and since I wasn't really active on Hive/Steem for a long time I decided to make a daily post about those beer and just thinks that happend to me. You can find those post on my blog, but most of them are in German. Today our beer a Kloster Helles from Alpirsbacher.

Here you can see a picture of it:

The Brewery

The Alpirsbacher Klosterbräu is an brewery opened in 1877 in an old monastery where a brewery existed before, but wasn't in service anymore. It is lokate in the small town of Alpirsbach in the middle of the Black Forest, a really beautiful and pitoresque village. The brewery itself isn't that big either and so you mainly find their beer in the region of Baden-Würtenberg.


The Beer

Today we have the Kloster Helles, a pale beer. It is sold in a standard bottle with a simple but nice looking botle and has a beautiful golden color. The taste was a bit more complicated, the first zip of it was really bitter (maybe because I just ate chocolate before), but afterwards it got better and better. It got a more classical quaffable taste of an pale beer and you could nicely taste the hop and the malt in the beer. In total it is a nice aromatic pale beer that gets from me 9,5/10 points for it amazing taste.


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