When the Spanish sun betrays you, turn to Spanish craft beer

Looking at the picture of the beautiful Saturday morning that dawned in Malgrat de mar where I arrived on Friday, I was hoping for nice days and enjoying the sun.
I didn't even have time to look for a Pub that serves Spanish craft, and the clouds started to gather in the sky above our heads.
As Hive friends from Valencia told me, the culprit for such a sky is sand from the Sahara that covered this area (it was clear to me that it was sand, when I got into the car and turned on the wipers, a yellow trail of sand remained).

And what is the best way to remove sand dust from the throat? With a cold beer 🙂

Near the hotel, I found a market that offered bottles of Spanish Craft beer.
I took a few pieces, at random.

I thought I'd drink it all straight away on Saturday night, but the IPA I chose was too strong to pair with the wheat...
And so, I divided it into evening and day.
In the evening I drank Complot IPA, Mediterraean India Pale Ale, Damm brewery and IPA, Hop&Roll series beer from Almogaver brewery.

Complot IPA had a higher alcohol percentage (6.6%) and I didn't find it overly interesting. Although an IPA style, citrus notes are present on the aroma, but very weak on the taste with citrus notes, probably due to the higher percentage of alcohol.

This beer is the result of a project by the Damm brewery, to try growing Mediterranean varieties of hops in the vicinity of Tarragosa (Catalonia), in Prades.
2107, after the first harvest, they start the production of this beer. In addition to hops from Prades, seven other varieties of hops are used in the recipe. The resulting beer has an intense flavor with aromatic notes of tropical and citrus fruits.

The other three beers I bought were Almogaver products.
Back in 2001, the idea of ​​Barcelona craft beer was born during a tour of American craft breweries, said the owner of the brewery. Funds were collected for years, the factory was built, and only in 2017, the products of this brewery were able to enter the market.
Beer democracy is their slogan, and considering how many styles they brew, the choice is up to the customer...
IPA, Hazy IPA, Fruit NEIPA, Pilsen, Imperial Porter, West Coast IPA, Table Beer, Spiced Stout, Robust Porter, Saison, Doble IPA, Pale ALE, Weiss beer, Belgian imperial stout...
I chose IPA, Pale ALE and Weiss Beer.

To compare to the Complot IPA, I took the Hop&Roll IPA.

A slightly lower percentage of alcohol made the taste of hops present with citrus notes that can also be felt in the aroma.
In my opinion, the winner of this comparison.

And when the morning dawned, which was completely different from the previous one, cloudy and rainy, what else was left for me, but to drink the othrer two, Weiss beer and Amber Pale ALE, on the terrace of u1our room.

Weiss made a good impression on the smell, but the taste is very mild. Wheat aromas are not felt, as with some other producer. the color of the beer is beautiful and the foam is rich and long-lasting. This is an organic ECO cetrified beer.

As for the Amber Pale Ale beer, the color is beautiful, reddish.
Well carbonated, with the aroma of lemon and nuts, caramel, biscuits. The complex malty body is rich with red fruits, notes of cookies combined with notes of lemon and a slightly bitter finish that makes the beer easy to drink.

I sincerely hope that the Spanish sun will warm us, otherwise, in addition to the pubs I planned to visit for the next #BeerSaturday, I will have BeerMonday, BeerTuesday, BeerWednesday..., #BEER every day 🤣


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