German pilsner, light lager beer

When the masters of craft brewing play around, experimenting with different ingredients and straying away from traditional beer, sometimes it's good to reboot and go back to the roots.

So in the Dogma brewery (whose beers I have already presented to you), they decided to make this lager beer, a German Pislner.
In the market, it was on the shelf with the other beers of the Dogma brewery, which I had already tried, so I decided to take it.
First lager I've bought in a year.
I wanted to try what kind of lager craft brewers know how to make, compared to lager beer from industrial brewers.

The hardness of the water used to brew this bottom-fermented beer, as well as the type of malt, determined its shade of color, fullness of taste and aroma.
The color is light yellow, and the taste contains faint notes of bitterness due to the use of saaz hops.

Cloudy, unpasteurized and unfiltered beer with 4.7% alcohol.
Water, barley malt, hops and yeast are the ingredients that give this beer an excellent taste.
When pouring, a high foam is obtained, which, however, falls very quickly.

But there is enough foam to feel all the necessary refreshing aromas in the first sips.

I used to be a consumer of industrial lager beer. the taste that I had in my mouth at that time, pushed me to venture into the world of craft beer and to give my senses higher quality tastes, but also smells.

This "New Pils on the Block" lager beer is one of a series of craft beers that have delighted my senses.
Pleasant refreshment, full taste, nice smell. everything that is expected from a beer - Dogma managed to make a traditional beer (a bottom fermentation lager, which was aged for a long time at low temperatures), in its own way, with a combination of American and German hops and German malts, and to speak that way with its beer to all beer lovers, traditionalists.

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