A few beers over the weekend

Greetings Hive beer buddies 🍻
I don't know about you, but for me the whole past weekend was in the scope of beer.
So today is the perfect moment to share my #BeerSaturday and sunday experience with you 🙂

On Saturday, while walking along the Belgrade waterfront Promenada, I came across a Weekend bazaar, where I found a stall with craft beer.



It is the mini-brewery "Igorijum" from Sremska Mitrovica.


The owner of the brewery and the chief beer maker is Igor, who poured me a glass of beer on this occasion.


I arrived by car, so I wasn't allowed to drink more than one glass, so it was necessary to choose what kind of beer it would be.

After tasting "Mornar" Pale Ale, "Walrus" IPA and "Milulada" IPL honey, I decided on Milulada.





Somehow the taste and freshness of this IPL was best enjoyed in the sun and on a warm spring day.



I took the business card of the pub and promised to visit them at the first opportunity.
Igor brewed his first beer in 2013, and I hope that he will continue and expand his production, as the beer he makes is very tasty.


We had a plan for this weekend to go on a trip to Novi Sad.
We went there by train.
I deliberately did not want to go to the car, because I knew that I would drink a little more beer.
And where?
Brauhaus brewery and pub in the center of Novi Sad.



I was in a bar for New Year's Eve and had a great time there. Now I just remember that they had a great wheat beer.
At the Brauhaus, they prepare all the beer they pour themselves, in the bar.


While I'm looking at the beer menu and thinking about which beer to drink, I'm looking at the interesting atmosphere of the bar, which I didn't notice during the New Year's celebration. It was dark and very crowded...





As I've already had their wheat beer, this time I'm opting for barley beers. I order an IPA and sit in the garden.







Refreshing taste of citrus notes with a smooth bitterness, makes me drink it in several sips.
IPA is a top fermentation hops beer. It is characterized by a fruity aroma. The refined taste of hops is the result of the dry hopping process. It belongs to the family of English ALEs.

Wanting to try another beer from their menu, I order APA beer.






Dark-colored beer with an enhanced taste of toasted caramel, so much so that at times it tastes like coffee.
It is modeled after an American red ALE. During the production process, as well as during dry hopping, specially selected ingredients are used that bring closer the tastes of America.

I did not make a mistake with the choice.
Both are very tasty.

I can't stay long in the bar (because my wife is in the nearby shopping center), so I enter the bar to taste their other beers and decide which one to buy to take away.



Yes, this is an ideal opportunity.
The price of 1 liter of beer to take away is the same as 0.33 liters of beer on tap.
In translation, three for one...


At the bar, I meet the owner of this bar and the Brauhaus brewery.
At his persuasion, I agree to have the waiters pour two more beers for me to taste, Dark beer and light craft beer (he tells me that the light craft beer is currently the best they brew).




Dark beer - This type of beer is very special. It gets its dark color from the use of roasted malt. It is characterized by a rounded taste of coffee, chocolate and whiskey.

Light beer - traditional German. For the fermentation of this beer, they use top-fermenting yeast. It is brewed from different types of German malt, which gives it a balanced taste that makes it very drinkable.

I drink not so small doses for tasting and then the owner of the brewery shows me the equipment for brewing beer, as well as the clarifiers in the cellar, while explaining in detail the individual steps in the preparation of barley, hops and water.




This is the first time I am in a craft brewery, and everything is interesting to me.
I photograph the beer bottles that are directly connected to the taps at the bar, as well as the cauldrons in which the beer is brewed.





When I returned to the bar, I paid for the beer I drank, and I decided to buy 1 liter of IPA beer to take away, the first I drank, because it left the strongest impression on me.


I thank the owner of the brewery and I promise that next time I will come without a time limit when there will be time for some food that they serve in the bar...

And with that purchase, my tour of the Brauhaus brewery ends, until the next time when I will share with you my impressions of some more beers they brew.

Thank you for stopping by my post and I hope you enjoyed the photos and the story I shared with you

All photos are my property, taken with a mobile phone

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