Beer Diary - 7%


I'm participating in The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 362.
Thanks @detlev for hosting the fun event every week!

I increased my daily walk from 80 minutes to 100 minutes a little while ago. This extra 20 minutes has been quite challenging and with the recent rising temperatures, it became even more exhausting.

Normally, I would take a detour during my walk to visit the liquor store, but I had to skip my walk and just lounged around last weekend.

Although, just lounging makes you crave beer as much as being active and of course, I couldn’t ignore BeerSaturday coming to mind, haha.

So, I had no choice but to send my husband to the liquor store.

He got me Urpiner...Slovakian beer.

After taking a photo and pouring the beer into a glass, I realized something.
"Huh? What?!?!" I exclaimed to no one in particular.

7% alcohol?!!! This is not the kind of beer you want to drink on a hot day!

Oh well, I had already opened I sipped it slowly but halfway through, I had to retreat indoors because it was too hot outside.
It was the most bitter beer I’ve ever had. The bitterness lingered at the back of my throat.
As expected, I fell asleep watching my show, and I could still taste the bitterness in the back of my throat when I woke up. I was so sad that I lost track of how far I got in the show I was watching 😭

According to my husband, there are beers with 10% alcohol content... I guess I'll have to try that next?
Hmmm… it seems like my Beer Diary is heading towards different kind of…challenge…

And that was for this week's Beer Saturday.

Have a wonderful day!




The #BeerSaturday Challenge - Week 362


けれどゴロゴロしていても喉は渇きます。そしてBeer Saturdayが脳裏をよぎる、笑





今までで一番苦いビールでした。苦味が喉の奥に残っていつまでも苦かったです。そして案の定、酔い潰れ、目を覚ましても喉の奥が苦かったです。ウルトラマンをどこまで観たのか分かんなくなっちゃいました 😭


ということで、今週のBeer Saturdayでした。

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