#beersaturday cheap beer what’s not to like.

Bit out of my comfort zone this week after stopping of at ALDI on my walk back from town. I picked up a couple of bottles of ALDI’s very own brand Harper’s Golden ale. At 4.1%ABV its a fraction lower than I normally get but at 99p a bottle its a lot lower in price, lets hope it’s drinkable.


Well it seems OK in the glass, keeps the head quite well and did pour without getting to much foaming.


Taste wise its a little fruity and not to hoppy. The label describes it as having biscuit flavour malts and tropical hop, defiantly in the Jaffa Cake region. I’d say it was drinkable but nothing to write home about

According to the inter web its brewed by Marstons of Burton on Trent. But it’s not on their web site. Well Hivers I guess I’ll just have to open another bottle to make sure.

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