Taking "la Parranda" || Tomando "la Parranda"

When here in Cuba you say or hear "Parranda" the first thing that comes to mind is a popular party typical of a municipality, the province of Villa Clara in Cuba, called Remedios, or the parrandas de Remedios, which is how they are really known. But parranda also defines an attitude towards life of little responsibility and lack of commitment, especially with the duties and chores at home.

But... do not panic, because this post does not go in the direction of the festive parrandero, nor for the irresponsible attitude or disobedience, and the intention I'm leaving it to be integrated little by little to the writing. For reasons of this interacting in the Hive communities, and perhaps for having made a good role in a recent publication about the friend @jordy0827 where she appears as the main protagonist.

Cuando aquí en Cuba usted dice u oye decir "Parranda" lo primero que viene a la mente es una fiesta de carácter popular típica de un municipio,en la provincia Villa Clara en Cuba, que se llama Remedios, o sea, las parrandas de Remedios que es como realmente se les conoce. Pero también andar de parranda define una actitud hacia la vida de poca responsabilidad, y falta de compromiso, sobre todo con los deberes y tareas del hogar.

Pero... no hay que asustarse, pues este post ni va por el rumbo del parrandero festivo, ni por la actitud irresponsable o la desobediencia, y la intención la voy dejando para que se vaya integrando al escrito.
Por motivos de este interactuar en las comunidades de Hive, y quizás por haber hecho un buen papel en una publicación reciente sobre la amiga @jordy0827 dónde ella aparece como protagonista principal.


The couple invited me to spend a Saturday afternoon together, to talk and do short-term projects, which are the ones I like. But I was surprised that even as the situation is, with the resources to bring to the table. This young couple will point out to me as the only contribution to the celebration feast that the beer, as we say here, "was flowing for me". Immediately, as a good Cuban of this time and of this precise moment, I took out and ready the mental calculator and started to do the math.

El matrimonio me curso una invitación para estar una tarde de sábado juntos, dialogar y hacer proyectos a corto plazo, que son los que me gustan. Pero me sorprendió que aún como está la situación, con los recursos para llevar a la mesa. Este joven matrimonio me señalará como único aporte para el festín de celebración que la cerveza, como decimos aquí" corría por mí". Enseguida como buen cubano de este tiempo y de este preciso momento saque y aliste la calculadora mental y a sacar cuentas se ha dicho.


In Cuba we have a good tradition of beer with different flavors and textures to the palate and also of brands, packaging and prices, so daily we are consuming from the simplest form of the "dispensed" that other call thermos and are served in cups that can be disposable plastic to refined cups depending on the place of issue of the same, to the most refined and expensive that at the level of the populace do not even know the name. I am not a professional taster.

I have tasted almost all of them, from the almost impossible to swallow Pirey, because of its taste of water, but the cheapest and the most accessible to the masses, to the Bávararia and the Bucanero; very strong in alcohol degrees, going through the range of Tinima de Camagüey, the Hatuey, Cacique, Holandia, Sol, Tecate, Mexican and Tomando "la Parranda".

En Cuba tenemos una buena tradición de cerveza con diferentes sabores y texturas al paladar y también de marcas, envases y precios, así diariamente estamos consumiendo desde la más sencilla forma de la" dispensada"que otros llaman de termo y se sirven en vasitos que pueden ser de plástico desechable, hasta refinadas copas_ dependiendo del lugar de expedición de la mismas_ hasta las más refinadas y caras que a nivel de pueblo ni se les conoce el nombre.
Yo que no soy un catador profesional pero las he probado casi todas; desde la casi imposible de tragar Pirey_ por el gusto a aguas albañales, pero la más barata y accesible al populacho_ hasta la Bávararia y la Bucanero; fuertísimas en grados de alcohol, pasando por la gama de la Tinima de Camagüey, la Hatuey, Cacique, Holandia, Sol, Tecate,( mexicanas )y la Cristal,que en su frío cuerpo se define ella misma como.ls preferida de Cuba


But also partying defines an attitude towards life of little responsibility. And lack of commitment, especially with chores and household chores. But... We should not panic, then, this post does not go in the direction of the festive parrandero, nor for the irresponsible attitude or disobedience, and the intention I'm leaving it to be integrated little by little to the writing.

For reasons of this interacting in the Hive communities, and perhaps for having made a good role in a recent publication about the friend @jordy0827 where she appears as the main protagonist. The couple invited me to spend a Saturday afternoon together, talk and do short term projects, which are the ones I like.

But I was surprised that even as the situation is, with the resources to bring to the table. This young married couple will point out to me as the only contribution to the celebration feast that the beer, as we say here, "ran for me". Immediately, as a good Cuban of this time and of this precise moment, I took out and ready the mental calculator and started to do t


I accepted the invitation of these two hivers and apart from the calculator, I also began to imagine the tastes and preferences of the hosts, but without daring to ask, to cooperate with something that really pleases them and is at the height of the so special combite. Since the appointment is for Saturday, I left early for the store (market) to explore the possibilities of existence of that product and leave from here with the package, just in case some contingency of those so common in this country, for example, that the transport fails and when it arrives the markets are closed or something like that.

It's better a, just in case, than a, who would have known. Surprise was my surprise when I entered the establishment and found an almost unseen variety of imported beers such as Estrella, Verdad and the always ours, Cristal. I was already selecting, of course, Cuba's favorite, when my sight gives me the presence of the latest fashion in the world, of those who with the pretext of cooling off -even though the thermometer shows below zero- start drinking a beer and end up drinking a case of such a coveted beverage.

Yo acepté la invitación de estos dos hivers y aparte de la calculadora, también comencé a imaginar los gustos y preferencias de los anfitriones, pero sin atreverme a preguntar, para cooperar con algo que realmente les agrade y esté a la altura del combite tan especial.
Cómo que la cita es para el sábado, salí temprano para la tienda(mercado) a explorar las posibilidades de existencia de ese producto y ya salir desde aquí con el paquete, por si acaso alguna contingencia de las tan comunes en este país, por ejemplo; que falle el transporte y cuando llegue los mercados estén cerrados o algo así.

Es mejor un, por si acaso, que un, quien lo hubiera sabido. Sorpresa la mía cuando entro al establecimiento y encuentro una variedad casi nunca vista de Cervezas de importación como la Estrella, la Verdad y la siempre nuestra,"Cristal". Ya estaba seleccionando por supuesto a la preferida de Cuba, cuando mi vista me regala la presencia del último grito de la moda _en el mundo de los que con el pretexto de refrescar ,aunque el termómetro marque bajo cero, comienzan tomándose una cerveza para terminar bebiéndose una caja de tan codiciada bebida.


The "Parranda" and not precisely that of Remedios, but a product of a factory in consortium with Vietnamese entrepreneurs, which was built in the development zone of Mariel, and with such good luck that today they were in price reduction and with the difference that was not calculated I could buy more of that drink. Come on, that the discount on drinks and liquors does not happen every day!

The "Parranda" beer is atypical, because it comes in a plastic bottle with a liter and a half of liquid, which is equivalent to four independent beers and with the same effect as the black Babaria or the Bucanero. Already happy with the party part secured. I arrive at my house. To continue preparing for the trip and I check the WhatsApp, because I had not done it all morning and the first thing I see is a message from Jordy telling me: Do not fail to come to the appointment. Aaa, and don't forget to bring the tasty "PARRANDA", and I was admired, for having made the perfect selection for the taste of the hosts.

la "Parranda" y no precisamente la de Remedios, sino un producto de una fábrica en consorcio con los empresarios vietnamitas, que se construyó en la zona de desarrollo del Mariel, y con tan buena suerte que hoy estaban en rebaja de precios, y con la diferencia,que no estaba calculada pude comprar más de esa bebida. ¡Vamos, que eso de la rebaja en las bebidas y licores no se da todos los días!

La cerveza "Parranda" es atípica, pues viene envasa en un pomo plástico de litro y medio del líquido, lo que equivale a cuatro cervezas independientes y con el mismo efecto de la Babaria negra o la Bucanero.
Ya contento con la parte de la fiesta asegurada. Llego a mi casa. Para seguir preparando el viaje y reviso el WhatsApp, pues no lo había hecho en toda la mañana y lo primero que veo es un mensaje de Jordy que me decía: No dejes de venir a la cita. Aaa, y que no se te olvide traer la sabrosa "PARRANDA", y quedé admirado, por haber hecho la selección perfecta para el gusto de los anfitriones. Ahora sí la parranda está asegurada


Now the parranda is assured, that its cold body defines itself as "the favorite of Cuba and that is consumed both bottled and canned" and that is perhaps the most present in all the contexts where this type of drink is sold. I accepted the invitation of these two hivers and apart from the calculator, I also began to imagine the tastes and preferences of the hosts, but without daring to ask, to cooperate with something that really pleases them and is at the height of the so special combo.

Since the date is for Saturday, I left early for the store (market) to explore the possibilities of existence of that product and leave from here with the package, just in case some contingency of those so common in this country, for example, that the transport fails and when it arrives the markets are closed or something like that. It is better 'a, just in case, than a, who would have known. I was surprised when I entered the establishment and found an almost unseen variety of imported beers such as Estrella, Verdad and the always ours,


I was already selecting, of course, Cuba's favorite, when my sight gives me the presence of the latest fashion in the world of those who, under the pretext of refreshing _ even if the thermometer is below zero _ start drinking a beer and end up drinking a case of such a coveted beverage. The "Parranda" and not precisely that of Remedios, but a product of a factory in consortium with Vietnamese entrepreneurs, which was built in the development zone of Mariel and with such good luck that today they were in price reduction and with the difference that was not calculated I could buy more of that drink.

Come on, that discount on beverages and liquors does not happen every day. The "Parranda" beer is atypical, because it comes in a plastic bottle with a liter and a half of liquid, which is equivalent to four independent beers and with the same effect of the black Bávaria or the Bucanero.


Already happy with the part of the party secured. I get home to continue preparing for the trip and I check the WhatsApp, because I had not done it all morning and the first thing I see is a message from Jordy who told me: Do not fail to come to the appointment. Aaa, and don't forget to bring the tasty "PARRANDA", and I was admired, for having made the perfect selection for the taste of the hosts. Now yes, the Parranda is assured.

The images used in the post are my property, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi 9A cell phone. Texts translated into English by Deepl Translate.

Las imágenes utilizadas en el post son de mi propiedad, tomadas con mi móvil Xiaomi Redmi 9A. Textos llevados al Inglés por Deepl Traslate.

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