Beer on HPUD Saturday/ Reblog lottery

Today is #hpud. This is no news, this happens the 1st of every month.

What you might not know is, that this HPUD day happens to fall on a #beersaturday.

Creating a new tradition, this means it is time for yet a new special beer taste.

Todays brew

Falle, Pale Ale
Brewery: De 5 gaarde (loose translates to 'the 5 farms')


Same brewery as 'Orla', I expected a golden, amber like color.

What I got was slightly darker, but still looking very good.


A fresh, slightly fruity taste upon hitting the tongue.
Not as light as Orla, but with a stronger taste, perhaps a tiny tad more bitter.


Way too fruity for my taste, but the bitterness was perfect.
I would say the bitterness this beer has compliment the light, fresh, fruity taste very well.

I didn't get the same urge to taste more right away, as the Orla did, but it didn't take long before the glass was empty.

Perhaps it's because of the amazing weather we have here at the moment - maybe that also made it taste better and hence was gone soner than it would have been under regular circumstances.


Golden color, slight smell of beer but mostly something undetermined.
IMO, too fruity taste, but complimented very well by the perfect balanced bitterness.



The fruity taste was too powerful for my tastebuds and would end on a 2/5 but the balance between fruity and bitter bring it up to 3/5.

Happy HPUD day

... and drink responsibly.

Reblog lottery

How does the reblog lottery work??

  • Reblog the post
  • Comment with the word "REBLOGGED" (does not have to be capital letters)
  • Your comment may contain more than just this one word, but this word is required
  • Your upvote counts towards your final percent-share

Reblog the post before: Monday, May 3rd @1 pm UTC

Each round, the beneficiary is entitled to:
20% share of post × upvote weight = percent-share

The winner will be a percent-share beneficiary to the next reblog lottery post.
For each ten (10) reblog, there will be added 2 HSBI to the winner.

Last rounds result

The winner has been selected using this tool

Comments with 'reblogged':
@angeluxx @esbat @henruc @kungfukid @ladymisa @lionardogw @lourica @nabbas0786 @nicklewis @olaf.gui @servelle @stekene @the-dealer

And the winner:


Congratulations, please enjoy your 20%×20% = 4% profit share on this post and 2 HSBI. Read more about HSBI here

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