A fruity little number on the dance floor...

Beersaturday is upon us once more and it's fast becoming one of my favourite communities on Hive. Every week we have an unquestionable reason to drink beer and for that reason alone I think the price of Hive should be 100x what it is.

Today I have the pleasure of sampling another fantastique IPA.



Flavoured with marshmallow and pineapple, I'm expecting this beer to be quite a refreshing tipple and one that would be perfect for a summer day spent at some local beer garden...Unfortunately, the weather is typically British today but as far as I'm concerned it's 35-degrees-c, the kids are splashing around in the paddling pool and the aroma of barbecued food is everywhere.

On cracking open the can I'm instantly smacked in the face with a pineapple punch stronger than a right hook from Del Monte. A good start. Now for the pour...


A perfect head of frothy white bubbles floating upon a seductive amber lagoon. My god! The only way this pint could look any sexier is if Jessica Alba popped out of the froth wearing a pineapple-themed bikini...Nope, looks like that's not happening.

ah well, on to the tasting

A sweet-tasting brew if ever there was one and the combination of Citra hops and pineapple go together like a two-piece jig-saw. But like any great party, there is always an unwelcome guest and in our case it's the marshmallow. Smoothing his way onto the dance floor, Mr. Marshmallow desperately lurches this way and that in a vain attempt to grope at the jiggling pineapples. Fortunately, the smoothing marshmallow effect is no match for our punchy pineapple and kick-ass Citra and no sooner has the marshmallow arrived at the dance floor he is swiftly escorted away, leaving behind nothing but a tastebud tickling tango.


Marshmallows aside, Brewdog has really hit the mark with this summer IPA. Although it's not going to breach my top-ten beers I'd happily drink this again.

Brewdog's Mallow Laser Quest can be found at your local supermarket for a very reasonable £2.50 and for a 6% brew that's not at all bad.

All hail the ale!

This week of #BeerSaturday, I like to invite @shepz1 to write a post about beer with min. 3 pics in any language

Happy #beersaturday to you all and I'll see you next week!

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