My recovered empty cat/ A story for Caturday [ENG/ESP]

Hello! Greetings, community, today I bring you a little story of my cat called vaco. His name comes from the black and white colours which are similar to a cow, So let's get started!

! [Version in Espanish]¡Hola! Saludos, comunidad, hoy les traigo una pequeña historia de mi gato llamado vaco. Su nombre viene por los colores blanco y negro que son similares a una vaca,
¡Así que comencemos!


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On a night of wanderings, a cat was looking for something to do, roaming around the roofs of the neighbouring houses. Suddenly he heard a noise, oh yes! That noise came from the other side of the fence, and it was very characteristic of another feline, so he quickly jumped over the fence and when he got to the other side he realised that there was a cat with a bad face, who, on seeing him, immediately chased him in order to hurt him.

! [Version in Espanish]En una noche de andanzas, se encontraba un gato buscando qué hacer, rondando por los techos de las casas vecinas. De pronto escucho un ruido, ¡oh sí! Ese ruido venía del otro lado de la cerca, y era muy característico de otro felino, así que con rapidez, vaco saltó sobre la cerca y al llegar al otro lado se dio cuenta de que estaba un gato con cara de malo, el cual, al verlo, enseguida lo persiguió para herirlo.

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He ran as fast as he could to escape from his attacker, but it was almost impossible, the evil cat bit him on his paw and vaco screamed for help, he soon realised that his master had arrived to help him and the cat with a mean face, let go of his paw and ran away, but he had already done the damage. vaco went to take refuge in the house, under the bed, and began to bleed, his paw was hurt and he was confused and scared. He began to lick his wounds and his master noticed what had happened to him and healed him. The next day, vaco was discouraged, he just wanted to lie there, not wanting to move, because when he tried to bend his paw, he couldn't do it, as the pain was unbearable. He was like that for several days, lying on a piece of furniture, not wanting to eat or move. His face showed the pain he felt when he tried to walk and he could only walk with one paw.

! [Version in Espanish]El cómo pudo corrió para escapar de su atacante, pero fue casi imposible, el gato malvado lo mordió en su patita y vaco lanzó unos gritos de dolor para pedir ayuda, enseguida se dio cuenta de que su amo, llegó para socorrerlo y el gato con cara de malo, soltó su patita y se fue corriendo, Pero ya había hecho el daño. vaco fue a refugiarse en la casa, debajo de la cama, y comenzó a sangrar, tenía su patita lastimada y se sentía confundido y asustado. Comenzó a lamer sus heridas y su amo notó lo que le había pasado y lo curó. Al día siguiente, vaco estaba desanimado, solo quería estar acostado sin querer moverse, porque al intentar afincar su pata, no podía hacerlo, ya que el dolor era insoportable. Así estuvo por varios días, acostado en un mueble, sin querer comer, ni moverse. En su cara se le notaba el dolor que sentía al intentar caminar y solo podía caminar afincando una sola patita.


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Thanks to his owner's care, after a few days he recovered from his wounds and he was able to get his paw back on his paw, which at first was difficult, but little by little his wounds healed and today he is completely healed. That's what happened to my cat and he was really discouraged for a few days. But now he is fine, but now he is very careful not to wander around the neighbours' yards, because as you know cats are very territorial and when another male arrives they immediately look for a fight. But I think he has learnt his lesson. Because he is more attentive, as I always see him with his ears down and when he hears any noise, he immediately goes to hide. The neighbour cats are bigger than him and that's why it's difficult for him to defend himself.

! [Version in Espanish] Gracias a los cuidados de su amo, a los días pudo recuperarse de sus heridas y nuevamente pudo afincar su patita que al principio le costaba, pero poco a poco sus heridas cicatrizaron y hoy en día se encuentra completamente curado. Eso le pasó a mi gato y de verdad pasó unos días bastante desanimado. Pero ya se encuentra bien, pero ahora está muy pendiente de andar por los patios de los vecinos, ya que como saben los gatos son muy territoriales y al llegar otro macho enseguida buscan pelear. Pero creo que aprendió su lección. Porque está más pendiente, ya que siempre lo veo con las orejas paradas y al escuchar cualquier ruido, enseguida va a esconderse. Y es que los gatos vecinos son más grandes que él y por eso se le dificulta defenderse.

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These are experiences that one lives, having cats in the house as pets. As an owner you will always defend them from any threat and I think he appreciates it, as soon as he sees me, he chases me everywhere. Have a nice caturday, see you cat-loving friends like me!

! [Version in Espanish] Son experiencias que uno vive al tener gatos en la casa como mascotas. Uno como dueño siempre va a defenderlos de cualquier amenaza y creo que él lo agradece, ya que apenas me ve, me persigue a todos lados. Que tengan un bonito caturday, ¡nos vemos amigos amantes de los gatos como yo!

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*Pictures taken of my cat from my phone.
*Separators and banners made in canva.
*Story by myself and inspired by what happened to my cat.
*Translations made in

*Fotos tomadas a mi gato desde mi teléfono.
*Separadores y banner hechos en canva.
*Historia de mi autoria e inspirada en lo que le pasó a mi gato.
*Traducciones hechas en

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