Last Сaturday of September

Hello friends!
So September is ending, the days are getting shorter and cooler, there are already sub-zero temperatures at night. The free life of a cat is ending, you have to spend more and more time indoors on a warm pouf.

But it is still warm during the day and cat can take a nice walk through the village gardens.

The cat can wander through the beds where vegetables were recently growing.

Or maybe the cat just sits and thinks about the past summer and dreams about the future summer.
Which is what Tom the cat does, making full use of the last warm days.

I started a telegram channel for Tom the cat, where I publish his photos or videos with him, if you are interested, you can go and subscribe at the link:

Camera: Samsung Galaxy A10
Location: Russia, Siberia
Friends, thank you for your attention, see you soon.
Best regards @irvet

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