🐈🐱😻A Tale of Three Tails Part 6: NEVEREMIND #NotMyCat, that's #Notmyhouse!🐈🐱😻

Are cats our spirit animals or just opportunistic assholes who've trained us over Millenia to react to their baby cries like they are our own offspring?

Honestly, Lord knows our three cats have been absolutely incredible little cuddle muffins and emotional support teddies to all of us during the last two months - as we all deal with the loss and the fallout following the very sudden passing of the kid's biological mom.

They've definitely been holding up their end of the bargain, and I can highly recommend kitties as extremely absorbent (for snot and tears) and intuitive (knowing exactly when one of us needs a cuddle).

We can be burying ourselves in our beds, feeling the sads one minute, and the next, there is a kitty at the window or door, meoowing to come cuddle, or if you leave the door open by accident, you may open your eyes to find one has already crept onto the bed and is purring softly near-by.

As I mentioned in one of my previous posts though, it seems we're not the only ones receiving this love and affection and it may not be motivated by genuine love and affection, but rather by whoever gives the yummiest snacks: as indicated by my neighbors, who snapped the picture at the top of the post : Chai (who is definitely my cat) looking out of a window (which is DEFININTELY NOT my bedroom window.

I like to think that our bond with our furry babies is genuine and unique, and although I joke about it a lot, I really believe that cat's are extremely intuitive and sensitive to our emotions. They are, however, not just sensitive to our emotions, but that of other people too.

It is said, that cat's come into our lives exactly when they are supposed to.... and just like that, when they are needed elsewhere, or their time with us is done, they leave.....

and that is what makes our relationship with them so unique and special. That is why I don't move when one sits on my lap or jumps through my window and that is why I believe I am lost without them. I do not believe a house is a home without a cat, and somehow, they seem to continually find a way into my heart, soul and home (even if it means convincing a four year old to steal one for me, but shhhhhhhhhhhh).

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