Yes, I tried to write a better post tonight, something longer, more elaborate, even some kind of art perhaps, but two cats took over my couch so I have to be quick becouse I'm preparing this thing in a pretty uncomfortable position. Being sleepy and tired adds another layer of arduousness.


These are Bembo and Palchich. The one on the left is Palchich. Bembo is on the right.


They stole my place in front of the computer screen so I decided to write a short post about them.


At some point, I woke them up to get this photograph. Ha ha ha, look at these faces! I laugh each time I see this shot.


I took only two more photographs.


Bembo and Palchich soon resumed their napping.


While I was writing this midnight post, the black cat called Miaukula stole my place on the bed, so I'm going to sleep on the doormat now. Good night.

As always here on Hive, the photographs are my work, of course.

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