Family Food Trip with New, Creamy, and Cold Taro-Flavored Ice Cream on a Stick  

Mommy F suddenly craved some ice cream, and so without thinking much, she grabbed me and drag - err - took me to the neighborhood to get some ice cream (≧▽≦). I actually want to eat ice cream in a cup, but then something else caught my attention upon arriving at the shop. By the way, the brand of the ice cream we get is called "Aice." My favorite brand, as its ice cream texture is so much better than the previous brand we always had. This one is really not foamy, and there's more to it. And I think they have more flavors than the other brand, we tried a new flavor today.

If only we could grab all of the flavor to try them, but, of course, that'd be too bad for our health. We don't eat ice cream that often, we just buy it when we really crave it and if we have spare money to spend on it. And today is that lucky day where we have spare money to grab a few of them, one each, for me and the oldies. The price of the ice cream we got was only 17 PHP, or $0.29. So cheap for this creamy and yummy ice cream.

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Although one of them is kind of not enough for me, I still enjoyed it a lot. And as you can see, there's a lot of flavor in here - different colors and different flavors. And because taro-flavored ice cream is new to us, we grab this flavor. Just looking at the photo here is enough to get me excited. When we bought this, I was so impatient to have it and have a taste of it. Lol.

I mean, who wouldn't get excited if this yummy-looking ice cream was in front of you? Right? Right? Lol. I almost drag mom to get home so I can finally try it, lol. I can eat it on the way, but I'm the kind who get shy when eating outside when people can stare at me, I hate it. I know it is an overreaction, but you really can't blame me. Lol. I'm curious how many fellow Filipinos here on the hive have already tried this ice cream flavor. Am I just curious and excited over nothing, or is it really good? Ehe.

So moment of truth! I love the crispy chocolate coated in it, it's a little bitter, but that's what makes it more yummy. The coating is really thin, but that's okay, I can taste the rich and creamy chocolate in it and it is well balance, not overly sweet. It is so good, I just want to eat that crispy chocolate separately and leave the ice cream, lol. And I tell you guys, this one's a real mood booster. In this blazingly hot weather, a cold, sweet, and creamy ice cream is all we need. You agree? Ehe.

As for the ice cream inside, it looks so white in here, but it's actually a light purple. It's so light that if you look at it from a distance, you'll see it as white. And you can also taste taro on it, just subtle, not too strong, but it's in there. And it is soft too, not too sweet, just perfect for me, and it still doesn't have that foamy texture, which I really don't like because eating it is so boring. I want something like this, like when you eat it, you can sense the heaviness on it, unlike other ice cream I know. It is so light eating that it is like eating air. Lol.

While this one, it is delicious to eat with that chocolate coating on it. You just have to eat it carefully because those chocolate coatings may fall apart, and if they do, bye-bye happiness! Lolol. Eating this fast is no good. Eat it slowly and carefully. Lol. Slow bite, like that (≧▽≦).


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