Circles And Places: (part 1) Daily Connection with Mother Nature.

“It does good also to take walks out of doors, that our spirits may be raised and refreshed by the open air and fresh breeze: sometimes we gain strength by driving in a carriage, by travel, by change of air.”

“It’s the love of nature we build within ourselves that heals the Mind ,The Body And Soul.Henceforth travel is an essential.”

“Everybody knows the story of David and Goliath but this is bigger than Triumph. Nature is for Euphoria,It gives you Peace of mind. When you look in the sky you know God has you on his surveillance,the kindness we receive in being placed here on earth is meant to be shared among Earth children.”

“As a daily routine of walking and observing nature I feel like I’m given a second chance every morning to paint my my canvas here on earth. This is what I refer to as a “ window of opportunities and also the gateway to Heaven.”

“The universe is kind to us and so should we be to earth and it’s placements. Nature /Earth is a canvas paint it how you want it to be.”

“What happens on earth.stays on Earth”

Nature for Sanity #naturelover #naturephotography #wednesdaywalk

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