The Evolution of My Lifestyle: From Baggage to Bare Essentials

In this blog post, I want to delve into my lifestyle, my life's transformation, or as we might call it, the evolution of my backpacks—a journey that perhaps mirrors the evolution of minimalism. It's not about the evolution of species, but the evolution of choices and experiences in life, particularly my own.

In my introductory post, I touched on the origins of this evolution, but over time, it has unfolded into something more profound. As Goethe once said, "You can build something beautiful with the stones that obstruct your path," and my life feels like a testament to this notion. I can see the roads and structures built from the obstacles that came my way. Perhaps it was a course of development I embraced because I didn't favor the alternative path.

It all began in March 2017 when I embarked on my first trip, an expedition that earned me a mention in a newspaper article. At that time, my life had taken a turn for the worse, and the end seemed imminent. However, no one could predict what form this end would take. The decisive moment arrived in November 2017 in the Waiblingen Courthouse, where I faced punishment for being me—punishment for being innocent, a victim of falsehoods and gossip. The judge, for reasons known only to him, deemed me unworthy, attributing it to my familial background as a refugee from the USSR after World War II. My ancestors had relocated from Germany to Russia centuries ago due to challenging times, and prior to my birth, they returned to Germany to evade the threat of deportation to gulags. Following the court's decision, the police sought answers from me, suspecting a possible connection between the judge and the individuals responsible for the tragic events involving my dog and the sale of my belongings on eBay. They questioned whether corruption played a part in the judge's actions. However, I could only shake my head, denying any knowledge. All I knew was that the judge sought to exile me from Germany, leaving me homeless and validating the crimes committed against me. He expressed his inability to legally confiscate my passport and citizenship, urging me to relinquish them voluntarily and return to my ancestors' homeland—Russia. The thought of going to Russia didn't sit well with me; it was far too cold. Interestingly, my family had settled in the Odessa area of the Russian empire after leaving Germany, raising questions about what truly constitutes "Russia."

Post that court ordeal, I found myself with nothing—homeless, stranded, and destitute. The only abundance in my life was the numerous interviews I underwent, with the police keen on unraveling details. Thus, my life began anew, devoid of possessions and a place to call home. This initiated a process where the city I resided in placed me in a homeless shelter—a dormitory I found far from desirable. My emotions were fueled by hate, and an insistent desire urged me to escape. During a late evening, I left the dorm, ostensibly to smoke, and never returned. There were only a few remnants of my past—a meager collection of belongings. I managed to scrape together some money, purchased a backpack, a few articles of clothing, and booked a bus ticket. The world was now my canvas as I set off to the east.

Initially, I carried an 85L Osprey Aether backpack and a small daypack. I appreciated the setup, although it proved bulky and heavy, leading to health issues in 2019 due to a prior accident. By 2020, after everything was stolen, I questioned why I had acquired so much. This triggered the beginning of a minimalist lifestyle, and I began shedding possessions. The first step involved transitioning to an Osprey Porter 46, simplifying my belongings to fit into one bag. With a lighter load, I journeyed to Split, Croatia, where the COVID-19 pandemic caught up with me, confining me during the initial lockdown. In 2021, the idea of further reduction dawned on me. Simultaneously, while in Turkey during the lockdown, I embraced a barefoot lifestyle, progressively favoring walking barefoot. For my 2021 birthday, I welcomed my first pair of Barefoot shoes, solidifying my shift toward a minimalist, barefoot walker.

Following the lifting of the 2021 lockdown and completion of the necessary paperwork for reentry into Germany, I continued reducing. My bag downsized from an Osprey Porter 46 to an Eagle Creek Wayfinder 40. Although I appreciated this bag, by March 2022, it was evident I could minimize further, and I settled into my new abode—a 40L Eagle Creek Tour Travelpack. I used this backpack until April 2023, at which point, I made yet another conscious decision to downsize, opting for an Osprey Nebula 32. This backpack, my current companion, though not vast in size, aligns with my ongoing effort to minimize weight.

The accompanying images showcase my various backpacks and their contents. While the depicted photo is dated and my current pack holds less, it offers a glimpse into the evolution of my life. Reflecting on the past, I once owned a house filled with cherished belongings and possessed a car. Yet, all of it was lost, and my life pressed onward. I never had the courage to part with my possessions psychologically, as each item held memories of those I loved and lost. They served as a portal to my past and my family's history. For instance, my grandmother's Ukrainian-style embroideries, adorned with intricate floral patterns, and photographs capturing my family's life in Ukraine were among the treasured items. Many were gifts that held sentimental value. However, I was never an ardent consumer, and once all was gone, I couldn't revert to my former way of life. This is the essence of what I refer to as evolution—perhaps the most fitting term.

In similar circumstances, some may choose to reflect by the fireplace, but I chose to forge ahead. The driving force behind my determination remains elusive, but something propelled me to keep moving. Today, I have embraced this new lifestyle for over six years, and I can confidently say this: perhaps I live as a wanderer, but I continue to live and embrace life.

No matter how chaotic our lives become, time marches forward, and the world keeps turning. Embrace the opportunities, make the most of them, and relish the experience, for we only have one life to live in this world. It's a realization that escaped me before, but one that now resonates deeply.

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