The eyes is one of the invaluable gift from God. The eyes gives meaning to life and makes it worth living. Those who have lost this wonderful organ of sight will attest to the fact that the eyes gives a lot of meaning to life. With the eyes, we behold our beautiful earth environment, enjoy beauty in colors, admire our loved ones and behold the wonders of God's creation. However, if we are not careful with the way we use our eyes, it can become a problem. As the window through which information are transmitted to the mind, one must be careful with what the eyes look at.

Human history is replete with stories of those who put themselves into troubles through the misuse of their eyes. Some of these accounts are found in one of the world oldest book in existence - the Holy Bible. I encourage you to follow me and look at some of these accounts and see what we can learn from them as respect the use of our eyes.

  1. EVE. source
    The Bible book of Genesis in the third chapter of it narrated how Eve was deceived by Satan to eat of the fruit from the tree they were asked not to eat by God. After the conversation between Eve and the Serpent who Satan used as his mouthpiece, the Bible has this to say in Genesis 3:6; > And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat. source.

Take note of the role Eve's eyes played at the moment. Beside the conversation she had with the Serpent, the Bible mentioned that she 'saw' the tree was good for food and that it is pleasant to the 'eyes'. Was Eve seeing the fruit for the first time? From the answer she gave to the Serpent shows that she was familiar with all the trees in their garden home. But at this moment, she took a deeper interest in the tree and developed a longing for it. Think about the information her eyes transmitted to her mind and how her mind dwelled on the information, processed it and subsequently, she took action. She took the fruit thereof according to the Bible and did eat.

We never can tell what would have happened had Eve chose not to looked at the tree and look at other beauties that surrounded her. Maybe she wouldn't have disobeyed God and the human family wouldn't have suffered so much from the cause of sin and death. We would have lived the life our creator purposed for humans.

  1. THE FALLEN ANGELS; . source
    In Genesis chapter 6:1-2, we read how some Angels allowed their eyes to put them trouble. The accounts has this to say, >And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them, That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. source

Again we see the eyes in action. The angels saw the daughters of men that they were fair. They were not seeing these women on earth for the first time for they there in heaven before humans were created on the earth. Seeing this women was not just a passing glance for another translation renders that account this way, >" the sons of the true God*a began to notice that the daughters of men were beautiful. So they began taking as wives all whom they chose. source

To began to notice denotes paying greater attention to these women here on earth to the extent of developing improper affection for them. They saw these beautiful daughters of men, their eyes transmitted the information to their mind and they took action based on how their mind processed those information. These disobedient Angels were later chased out of heaven to the earth vicinity and today, they are known as Demons. They allowed their eyes to creat problem for them and they are still suffering the consequences.


King David of Isreal once committed adultery with a woman named Berthsheba and later had her husband Uriah killed to cover his sin. One may ask, what led King David into committing such gross sin? Once again, the Bible tell us; > One evening* David got up from his bed and walked around on the rooftop of the king’s house.* From the rooftop he saw a woman bathing, and the woman was very beautiful. 3 David sent someone to inquire about the woman, and he reported: “Is this not Bath-sheʹbac the daughter of E·liʹamd and the wife of U·riʹahe the Hitʹtite?”f 4 Then David sent messengers to bring her.g So she came in to him, and he lay down with her.h (This happened while she was purifying herself from her uncleanness.*)i Afterward, she returned to her house. source.

King David's journey into the sin of adultery began with his eyes. What he saw affected his mind, leading him into taking action that later brought him urgly consequencies.

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In the famous sermon on the mount, Jesus Christ mentioned the underlying factor that could lead anyone into sexual immorality. In Matthew 5:27-28, the account says; >You heard that it was said: ‘You must not commit adultery.’k 28 But I say to you that everyone who keeps on looking at a womanl so as to have a passion for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. source. Here, the misuse of the eyes comes in again. To have sex with a woman is not a sour of the moment thing. It always start with one looking longingly at the opposite sex and allowing the passion for sex to develop within. So, the improper use of the eyes could lead to avoidable sin.
Let us consider things we must avoid so as protect our eyes and make proper use of it.

Granted that our eyes could see many things, yet we have the ability to control what we look at if we want to. Again, the Bible contain many advice that can help us in this regard as we see in Psalm 101:3, > I will not set anything worthless* before my eyes. source. And in Job 31:1, we reads; >“I have made a covenant with my eyes.
So how could I show improper attention to a virgin?b. source.
To make proper use of our eyes, we must determine to avoid looking at things that are worthless such as unwholeswome and immorqal entertainments. Today, pornographic videos and other morally debased videos are available on the internet. No generation had been so exposed to immorality as ours. With a click of hand, one can access and watch these morally debases videos with the cell phones. Sadly, many do not understand that pornography is one of the devices Satan is using to reduce man created in the image of God to animals.

It is not difficult for one who watch these morally debased videos to act on what they watch. This has led many into all manners of sexual immorality including pre-marital sex, rape, unwanted pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, depression, broken marriages, divorce, and suicide. All these could be trace to improper use of the eyes.

Another worhtless thing we can avoid looking at if we wan to is violent entertainments. Again the Bible has these to say in Psalm 11:5, > Jehovah examines the righteous one as well as the wicked one;e
He hates anyone who loves violence. source. One who derives joy in watching violent movies may unwittingly become violent himself. The fact is that the characters you watch on your television are like guests in your home. Gradually, such characters becomes your associates and you may begin to copy their actions, speeches, and manners. The Bible itself acknowledges that bad association can spoil ones useful habbits. As one learn violent from movies, he may practice it one his or her spouse or any other family members.

So, we must avoid all unwholesome and immoral entertainments. We must also avoid any form of entertainment that portrays spiritism because such entertainment can draw those who watch to Satan who is the masterminder.


  1. Use your eyes to behold the marvels of God's creations and praise Him for the wonderful and awe inspriring things He created. . source.
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    Use your eyes to behold the sun, moon, stars, oceans, birds, even ants and grasshopers. See beauty and wonders in the things that God created. To our Creator, the Psalmist sang in Psalm 8:3,9; > When I see your heavens, the works of your fingers,
    The moon and the stars that you have prepared. O Jehovah our Lord, how majestic your name is throughout the earth!. source.

  2. Use your eyes to read God's word. The Bible declares those who reads God's word as happy because when we read, absolve and practice the wise and healthful counsels found in God's word, we become nothing but happy. The Bible contains wise and practical counsels that can help us to live meaningful and happy life regardless of the world condition today. The Psalmist has this to say about a man who delight himself in God's word at Psalm 1:2-3; > But his delight is in the law of Jehovah,
    And he reads His law in an undertone day and night.
    3 He will be like a tree planted by streams of water,
    A tree that produces fruit in its season,
    The foliage of which does not wither.
    And everything he does will succeed. source.

  3. Use your eyes to behold and appreciate your fellow humans, love them and treat them the way you will want them to treat you. Do not look at others condescendingly. See others as God's creation. Think about how beautiful the world will be if we see the other person as we see ourselves and not his color or race.

  4. Use your eyes to produce goos and services that will enhance better living conditions. Do not use youe eyes to produce waepons of mass destruction, harmful drugs or perpetrate crime.

  5. Use youe eyes to see beauty in your family members and love them dearly. See your neighbours with your eyes and love them. Always see friends and not enemies.

Make Proper Use Of Your Eyes and contribute to a better human society.

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