What I drink vs What I don't drink.

I came across a prompt that said "What do you drink?" and the first thing that came to my mind was the reverse of that. Haha. Instead of asking myself "What do I drink?", my mind was more focused on answering the question "What don't you drink?".

I know all about the things I don't drink and the one that's at the top of the ladder is alcohol. I was never predisposed to the intake of alcohol because I can still remember how much of a disgrace I felt whenever I saw folks doing stupid things. After all, they were intoxicated. I saw a lot of that as a kid and I know some fathers who fall inside gutters after getting themselves drunk.

Do you know what's even crazier about being someone who takes alcohol excessively, such people usually do a lot of things that they end up regretting. And, for the most part, a part of them would want to quit taking alcohol for a lot of reasons including for health related reasons. However, they just don't seem to have a good grip on themselves or their actions whenever alcohol is available.

I grew up seeing all that and you can only imagine how much I try not to get myself exposed to the intake of alcohol. I haven't had a sip of alcohol at all and I still haven't seen anything that has a strong enough pull to convince me to take alcohol for any reason. Instead, I'm okay with taking Yoghurt, Juice, soft drinks and mostly water.

Straight out of Freezer.

There is a bit of a challenge on the water drinking part because clean water isn't something everyone can boast of in my part of the world. So, since the days of COVID-19, I've only been taking sachet water which we popularly call "pure water" with the belief that these forms of water have undergone a good purification process which makes it fit for drinking.

That's what we all believe and I can't say for a fact that sachet water is pure. However, that's pretty much a fair alternative. I get bottled water once in a while and it's pretty much the same as sachet water in terms of drinkability, if there's any word like that. Haha. Stay hydrated, folks.

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The thumbnail image is mine, taken with my phone camera.

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