Trying out the Olens Fawn Brown colored contact lenses


Since getting the Olens contact lenses, I've only been opening lenses one pair at a time since they only last 30 days once opened. I didn't want to waste trying out all the colors and them end up expiring all in a month haha so I took my time to try them out.

I was really excited to try this Fawn Brown shade in Moonrise series since this is the most natural color for me that I have.


First of all, I've also been trying different make up styles and trying out the shades that compliment me the most. Makeup is quite hard, complicated, yet so fun to do. It can make you look the best version of you but at the same time can make you look so weird if you mess it up lol. For instance, that Elf bronzer you see on the photo... the shade was too orange on me to use as a bronzer that's why I'm just gonna use it as a blush.


This is how it looks like in natural lighting. It's so gorgeous and I think it looks so good on my eyes.

Like the other Olens contact lenses, these feel so soft to touch. While wearing it, there were just occasional feeling of "wearing contacts" and a lil bit blurry from time to time just because they quite move around my eyes. I'm not on isotretinoin anymore so my body is back with its normal hydration compared to a month ago so my eyes are less dry but they still move a bit... I think it's the base curve that's not perfect for my eyes but it's not too much that when you move your eyes it will be noticeable. Most of the time I still kinda forget that I'm wearing it. :D


And this is how it looks like with flash (or same with direct sunlight I guess).


It's just the perfect warm brown for my skin tone as well that you can mistake me for having that natural color. :P It's also a bit big on my eyes though but not big enough for it to be considered dolly eyes. Just big enough that you can see the design outside my iris. Maybe my iris is just too small lol.


BUT... I won't wear this outside despite it looking really pretty.

Like I said, the lenses move around quite a bit and so they rotate around my iris too. If you look closely, the lenses' design has a lighter part which is meant as a highlight ideally to be on the lower side of the iris. You really have to be mindful on how you put them on so they don't look uneven.

In my case, despite putting them on correctly, my right eye for some reason the lens just rotate A LOT haha. You can see in the photo that the left eye (my right :P) has a lighter side on the upper part. Bruuuuh. Of course it looks so weird being so uneven. Even while taking these photos I have to arrange it from time to time.

It doesn't move on my left eye though for some reason.


I guess I will just have to use this pair for photo purposes as I don't want to go out worrying it will rotate LOL. If the colors were even, it rotating on my eyes would not be a problem.

Also I found a brown lip liner that's not too light or dark for me and damn it really does make your lips look plump or bigger. In some photos I looked like I have lip fillers haha. What a hack!


I still love Olens overall as a brand though. They just have gorgeous designs and very hydrated lenses. I have to experiment and maybe wait for my skin to be 100% back to normal hydration because maybe my eyes are still a bit dry and maybe (hopefully) it stops moving around my eyes then. XD

I do think this design is unique though as I've never seen a contacts with a highlight part before.

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