5 Signs Which Show That You Are More Mature Than You Think

Hey All,

After a well spent childhood, becoming mature is not at all easy and the road seems quite rocky at times. Well, yes it is not incorrect to say that your age does not define the maturity level you have. Life has its own ways of teaching, the lessons at times the ones we just want to stay away with and life has its way to keep teaching us until we get hold of it.

5 Signs Which Show That You Are More Mature Than You Think.png

We come across a lot of children who are already pretty mature for their age and then there are elders who still are far back in the race. In this article let us take a look at 10 Signs or traits which show that you are more mature then you have been thinking:

1 You Try To Stay Away from Small Talks & Gossip:

I remember as a teenager, I would love to hear what is going on in others' lives. There was a sense of fun and enjoyment at the stake of another person's life.

But as we grow up and when we come across scenarios where people do the same to us, that is the time we realize how these small talks and gossip can affect us at a different level. Once we stop focusing on what others are up-to and are busy with doing our best at whatever we are up-to, you are sure to get some good results. Maturity definitely comes from life experiences which teaches us to stay away from small talk.


2: You Prefer Sleeping on a Friday Night:

Yes! Do you remember the days from college or early start of the career where weekends would start rolling for us on Friday eve. Oh! How much I would wait for the after office parties and enjoyment. Life is not just about spending time at parties and boozing out. In-fact, it's more about relaxing in those silent moments with yourself, spending time alone, enjoying that me time.

As a mother of 2 kids, Friday nights for me is more about getting into my pajamas, reading a lovely book and dozing off. While writing this myself I already feel so relaxed. Oh!! Dear Friday, someone is already missing you.


3: You Converse Ideas, Not People

Do you have that someone in your friends group who has always got stories about what's up with the other friend. I hope you do realize that they would also be discussing you with others in the circle. So better beware of such friends. As we have been taught right from our childhood to stay away from negative discussion about someone who is not in the room.

I have realized with time that if you truly want to grow professionally or personally you need to stop discussing people and start discussing ideas, from organizing your home better, to how to make progress in your career. Discussing people has never taken anyone to great heights. Unless, of course you are in the mode of taking inspiration.


4: You Tend To Listen More & Talk Less These days:

If now you know more feel the urge of saying something or contributing to the conversation. Then, congratulations! You have reached a certain maturity level. You find the 2 S (Smile and Silence) have become true friends these days. You prefer not answering unnecessary questions. Instead, you choose to just smile and stay quiet.

If you have not tried this out yet! I would say give it a shot you will thoroughly enjoy the relaxation you feel and how much unnecessary discussion you could avoid.

*Hey In the middle of this article, I would like to share with you all the 10 pointer shorts which I have created to showcase the 10 signs which indicate that you are now more mature than you have been thinking. Please check it out here: @JoinLIfe


5: You Prefer Forgiving People:

How stubborn I had been at times, when I just did not want to forgive someone. I would waste so much of my time and energy in thinking and rethinking of the episode and getting ideas on how I can backfire.

Trust me as you become mature you feel its better to let go then to keep mugging over it. Once you silently sit for a few minutes and think about it you will realize it is better to simply forgive that person for your own mental peace.

You do not have to go and apologies, rather just forgive them in your heart. Oh!! How much tension and stress will immediately go off. Because we need to understand this, not everyone is bad. At times people are simply thinking from a whole different perspective, from where, what they are thinking and doing is absolutely correct.


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Best Regards,

Image Courtesy:: leofinance, procanva license,

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