7 Sure Shot Signs That Someone Is Secretly Jealous of You

Hey All,

At times when we enter a room, we can feel a sudden gush of negative vibes and this clearly indicates that there are people in there who do not like you much. While, it is absolutely fine because we cannot please everyone around us. But, then there are few who seem to be very good on our face, they are all compliments ("false flattery" is the term) but you still don't get that vibe from them.

Your heart knows that these are the backstabbers and have two faces, there is a great deal of chance that these are ones who are secretly jealous of you. Though determining a jealous person is not all that difficult, it tends to become a little difficult if the person is good at hiding their feelings. Let us today take a look at some common traits of people who are secretly jealous of us:

1: Showering you with Unnecessary Compliments & and Fake Praise:

These are the ones who will be clapping the loudest when you achieve something, yes! It's difficult to understand at a glance, but once you start noticing it closely you will find their compliments overly insincere and fake.

They will only compliment you with people around you, but once they are out in the clear they are sure to say nasty things about you, like how undeserving you are… etc.


2: Jealous People are Brilliant Copycats:

Though it feels wonderful when someone takes time to copy our style, the way we walk and the way we talk. All this looks very enticing in the beginning and we seem to secretly like it too. But you need to be aware of such behavior, because at times it's not about how great you are and how badly that person wants to copy you, it's more about “I can wear it better”. Jealous people can go to the extent of even buying stuff that you have.

On one hand they are going to do this and on the other hand they will be secretly disliking every move of yours. So if you are thinking that if they do dislike you that much then what’s the point copying you? The answer to this is, they feel that people admire or like you because of your certain style, may be the way you walk, your dressing sense, your hairstyle and they are under the impression that if they will also copy it people will start admiring them and liking them as much as they admire and like you.


3: They Will Misguide You with Wrong Tips and Suggestions:

The only motive of jealous people is that they want to see you fail and not achieve anything in life. If they find you in situations where you are looking for genuine advice, they will deliberately give you bad tips and put uncertain ideas in your head.

They just want to burst your bubble and for this they will go to the extent of asking unnecessary questions, which will make you feel humiliated or sabotage your self confidence.


4: Your Mistakes & Failures Gives them Satisfaction:

Have you got someone around you, who utters words like “I told you so” not just once but every time when you face a failure or a setback. You seem to think about the time when you were genuinely asking this person for his feedback and at that moment he was all praises for what you are targeting and now when you have got a setback they have the guts to utter such words like “I informed you” or “I was also saying this…” etc.

This is a clear cut indication that this particular person is jealous of you and it's time for you to observe him/her more closely. And next time make sure that you do not give this person a chance to gloat over your misfortune. .


5: They Always Take Credit for Your Work:

So, we all have been through this specially in our professional lives. There are colleagues who are nowhere to be seen when you really need them, you ask for help and they will be like “I will be right there” and you never see them. But when it comes to taking credit they are the one’s walking with the lantern.


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This happens a few times and you seem to just ignore it, but remember ignoring such behavior will only encourage them. Moving forward they will enjoy taking compliments for your work without making any contribution. You need to stop this behavior as soon as possible.

If they are unnecessarily giving themselves credits for your doings. For example if you are able to bag your dream job, they will walk in and out of nowhere say “ see, this is what you get by following my advice” and you seem to be bewildered. They will try hard to look like the perfect picture of your success.


6: They are Friends Of Your Good Times Only:

When you seem to be making progress in your life, suddenly you will see some so-called friends disappear and nowhere to be found. This is something you should be empathizing with because not everyone is able to digest your well being in a positive way. It is better for them to slink away because your success tends to fire up their jealousy and insecurity.

I would say such jealous friends are not all that bad, they also need their time and space plus for you to have all the positivity t yourself during your proudest moments it is best that they stay away.


7: They Cut You Off in a Conversation:

Personally this is the most turn off aspect for me, where someone just cuts me off the conversation which I wanted to be a part of. When someone is jealous of you they will make sure to not listen to or not let your words be heard by others and make you feel outside the conversation. You will notice that whenever you are talking about your success or about some positive moment in general they will just talk over your conversation just to uplift their insecurity and jealousy.

This is because when you are talking about your positive and favorable experiences they are reminded of their shortcomings and failures. They will go to the extent of cutting your conversation and gloating about their own. Or at times you will notice that they will completely change the topic so that you are unable to talk about it further.

Best Regards


Image Courtesy:: leofinance, procanva license,

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