Strengthening My Writing Muscles on Hive Blog / Hive Blogで書く筋トレ

I’ve just finished and submitted a project proposal. Next year, the city of Chemnitz in our state will become the European Capital of Culture, and there are various calls for proposals related to this event.

I proposed a project about producing Furoshiki (Japanese traditional fabrics for wrapping) and organizing workshops in the region, along with an experiment connecting producers and users through QR codes.

The proposal came together more smoothly than I expected, and while I’m definitely noticing the power of Chat GPT, I also think it’s thanks to all the “writing muscle” training I’ve been doing by posting in both Japanese and English on Hive Blog almost every day 😁

I've always loved writing, and since I started writing online in the late 1990s, it’s something I’ve just naturally kept up with. Over time, writing has even become part of my work, and my daily posts have turned into a great form of training. I write on other platforms too, but I always feel most drawn to posting on Hive Blog first.

I started the proposal I just submitted by writing down my idea on Hive Blog. While writing about Furoshiki, I was able to organize my thoughts and create a solid foundation for the proposal.

Furoshiki: Japan’s Eco-Friendly Tradition and My New Project

I then passed this foundation to Chat GPT, along with the specific questions from the call for proposals, which helped me draft a rough version. After that, I refined it with help from Chat GPT again and my partner, who is a native German speaker.

Writing every day isn’t just training—it connects to other creative activities too. As I keep building on this, my writing muscles grow stronger, and it’s exciting to explore new fields.

Back in 2017-2018, during the Steemit days, there were even people making a living as full-time Steemit users. On the other hand, some might say it’s tough to make a living on Hive Blog, and that might seem true at first glance. However, the writing muscle training I’ve done on Hive Blog may help me win up to 2,500 euros for the project. Of course, this money wouldn’t go into my pocket—it would be the project budget. But still, it’s great to be able to do something fun, right?

So, I’m going to keep strengthening my writing muscles here on Hive Blog and looking forward to attending Hive Fest. Now I have both my flight tickets and hotel 💪

Have a nice weekend everyone!



先日Hive Blogに書いた風呂敷の生産とワークショップ、QRコードで生産者と使用者をつなぐ実験のプロジェクトを提案しました。

思っていたよりもすんなり書けて、Chat GPTの威力を感じつつ、Hive Blogで日々日英2カ国語で投稿を書いて、書く筋肉の筋トレしている成果でもあるかもとニヤリとしました 😁

昔から書くことが大好きで、1990年代の終わりにネットに文章を書き始めて以来勝手に続いている部分もありますが、気づけば書くことは仕事にもなり、日々の投稿が自分にとって一種のいいトレーニングになっています。noteにも書いているのですが、なんでというかやっぱりというかHive Blogに一番に書きたくなります。

今日提案書を書き終えた公募も、まずはアイデアをHive Blogにまとめました。風呂敷の記事を書く過程で、自分の考えを整理し、提案書を作る土台ができました。

Furoshiki: Japan’s Eco-Friendly Tradition and My New Project / 風呂敷の魅力と新しいプロジェクト

この土台と公募の質問をChat GPTに渡すと提案書がざっくりできます。これをまたChat GPTとドイツ語がネイティブの相方と直していきました。


2017年から2018年のSteemit時代には専業Steemitユーザーが出るほどだった一方で、Hive Blogで食べていくのは厳しいという人もいて、たしかに一見そうかもしれません。ただ、Hive Blogでの筋トレの結果、提案が通ったら最大2500ユーロ(40万円強)出るので悪くないような気もします。もちろん私の懐に入れるのではなく、プロジェクトの予算ですが。でも楽しいことできるのっていいですよね。

そんなこんなでこれからも、Hive Blogで書く筋肉を鍛え続けていこうと思います。

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