The classroom without walls


Virtual learning comes with a lot of challenges in this pandemic period. Both students and teachers have to adjust to new methods of study. Moving online learning comes with advantages and disadvantages.

The benefits of virtual learning are many. First, we don't longer need those classroom walls to engage in learning. The traditional learning paradigm shifts from specific environments with adapted laboratories and tools to the virtual interface. It can now happen everywhere irrespective of time and place. It improves inclusivity, accessibility, reduces costs, builds new skills and it opens to flexibility and comfort.

On the other hand, to engage in virtual learning, one has to have access to adequate technology and to be prepared to develop new skills. The classroom without walls also reduces social interaction and emotional skills. Moreover, online feedback is limited. Furthermore, it requires stronger motivation, is limited to certain disciplines, and cannot truly engage disadvantaged students.

The adoption of virtual classes might sometimes involve appreciable efforts, but also a lot of fun and engaging experiences. It depends on both teachers and students to find the appropriate ways to benefit from it.

Hope this post makes you reflect more on the benefits and barriers of your virtual learning encounters and fortunately, you can find an equilibrium in between.

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