Let's Start Having Fun Again! What Are Your Top 3 Least Favourite Movies?

YT3 Mar 2020.jpg

"Fun"? What's This "Fun"?

Come on guys and girls of Steem, lighten up a bit and join the monthly contest that has been going for nearly a year now - @yourtop3!

I get it, the whole crypto world is looking at what is happening over here with DPoS governance but let's also show them that we can still have some fun as well!

Time to channel that energy and write about (or slate) your least 3 favourite movies, enjoy some banter with the panel organisers, meet new friends, have a chance to earn some SBD at the end of the month and get a little reward for your engagement and effort in the process 😉

You in?


So, let's get the formalities of the contest rules out of the way first and then we can laugh at applaud my choices for this month's topic of Least Favourite Movies!

Here is how you enter as per our official blog:

1 - Create a blog post with your top 3 nominations along with your reasoning behind them. Entry posts must have a minimum of 250 words total. You must use the #yourtop3 tag in the first five tags.

2 - Put a link to your blog in the comments section below.

3 - Set your post payout to 50/50. You keep the SP and then transfer the STEEM or SBD (whichever is paid out at the time) to @yourtop3 with a link to your blog post entry in the transfer memo. This is the minimum entry fee, but you can add as much as you like to it! The more you add, the more you can win. There is no maximum entry fee.

The deadline for submitting is the 9th of March 2020

With our contest mascot, Q, giving out a helping hand or two, we're all looking forward to seeing some more entries from you guys and girls coming in!

However, because I'm one of the contest organisers, Q has strictly forbidden me, @plantstoplanks, @foxyspirit and @cheese4ead to actually enter the contest ourselves so all the liquid part of our post payouts will be added to the prize pool and you can rip into our choices as much as you want - Q hasn't forbidden that at least haha!

For the full contest information, swing by our Discord and feel free to ask any questions along the way! Oh, did I mention... HAVE FUN!

Least 3 Favourite Movies

Ok, so I'm going to channel my angst of recent events into these descriptions of my least favourite films and see how good it feels once vented! I'd imagine my whole DVD collection could make this list seeing as there were some real crocks of sh_t up there on the shelves! Even after I sold quite a few to some other clowns on eBay who also appear to like duff movies! I didn't realise it was contagious! Anyway you're welcome for the therapy! Let's go haha!

1 - Love Actually

Thankfully though, I never owned this DVD! If I did, I'd shoot myself right now... please don't send it to me by the way 🤣

I mean, I COULD say EVERY chick flick ever made here but after giving myself mild concussion with trying to decide on one (trying to think about your least favourite films will do that to you!), I've managed to pluck Love Actually out of the blood bath in the vault that was filed under "least favourite" films. Please, I... just... no, keep that yucky romance chick flick crap away from this guy. Love Actually? More like Love Craptually! Ughhh!


I've actually blocked out most of the plot but, for the sake of your entertainment, I am going to have to put myself through the torture of Googling what the plot was...Oh god I just found it:

Nine intertwined stories examine the complexities of the one emotion that connects us all: love. Among the characters explored are David (Hugh Grant), the handsome newly elected British prime minister who falls for a young junior staffer (Martine McCutcheon), Sarah (Laura Linney), and Harry (Alan Rickman), a married man tempted by his attractive new secretary.


Trying not to vomit in to my mouth after reading that back. Why so much hate? Probably because my ex made me watch it when we were both hungover many moons ago and I just wanted to shoot zombies on Call of Duty... either that or I'm allergic to this kind of soppy sh_t - is it ANY wonder then that I'm still single? Probably not 😆

2 - Matrix Reloaded

This was the 2nd of the Matrix Trilogy and frankly, they should have stopped after the first ground breaking film was made. What a royal cock up this one was! It's like they decided to skip the acting part and just said, "We've done our bit in the first film, no need to carry on with that acting stuff here!"

Then that scene with the Architect - WHAT was he actually banging on about in that scene?! You know the one I mean because you would be sitting there in your cinema seat and he'd be throwing words like "Ergo", "Vis-a-vis", "Concordantly"... WHO USES THESE WORDS?!

I left the cinema with my friends and we were all like "sooooo.... did anyone else not have a clue what happened in that scene?" It was so bad that the MTV movie awards made a parody in 2003 with Justin Timberlake and Sean William Scott, which I'd rather have watched instead (and have watched many times) - here is the parody recorded via a potato:

3 - Punisher

If ever you wanted an action film devoid of any thought behind the plot then this is the one for you. It's not even good for hangovers, that's how bad it was. If you miss the all important "opening sequence" of this film, then all you'd think the story line consisted of was a guy going around on a rampage blowing up cars and killing gangs. Apparently, he is seeking revenge of those who killed his family... not even "The Russian" can stop him. Sorry, I ruined the story for you, well... story, ha!

This one went straight to DVD I suspect as I can't imagine this film getting too much screen time - one to miss!

Image Source

Now It's Your Turn

Ah, that's better I've vented about my least favourite films, it's pretty therapeutic haha! Recommend you give it a try - so, what are your least 3 favourite films?

Full info about how to enter the contest from the @yourtop3 account is here - you have until the 9th!


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