My Three Favourite Ice Creams from around the world.

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This months topic is Favourite Ice Cream

When I think of ice cream, I initially think of it being a child’s dessert. However, when I come to think of it, as a child, I don’t really have many fond recollections. I suppose the only one being the visiting ice cream van to the local streets, playing it’s merry tune. I would badger my grandparents, or parents for some money to go and get an ice cream - my usual favourite a 99 with red sauce. I suppose that is a very British thing!

However - when this topic came up - my initial thought was - well my favourite ice creams depend on the country! So here are my top 3 - based on countries too.

Italy - Gelato - Mixed cone with Orange and Chocolate

A few years ago I was lucky enough to visit the Naples area of Italy, on a school trip - yes, a whole week of visiting the fabulous sites like Pompeii, being offered a complimentary bottle of wine with dinner every night and eating the amazing food - for free. When in Sorrento accompanying the students, we had an amazing opportunity to visit a shop and take part in making our own Gelato. Now, that area is known for its lemons - so we made a lemon sorbet, but we were also allowed to choose an ice-cream of our choice in the shop afterwards. I do love orange flavour and mixed with a scoop of chocolate in a cone, it was absolutely divine. It was warm in Italy in June, so it was fab to walk around the small streets with one in your hand.

France - Pistachio

The only time I am remotely interested in pistachio ice cream is in Les Alpes in France. There is something about that flavour in France, which I suppose I just couldn’t get anywhere else many years ago (and to be honest, when tried anywhere else, it just doesn’t come up to scratch). So, I always reserve it for a trip to the main street in Le Bourg D'Óisans whenever we visit and thoroughly enjoy a double scoop in a cone.

USA - Baskin Robbins, Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Double Scoop Hot Fudge Sundae

My absolute favourite of all time! It all stemmed from living in the USA at the tender age of 23. Myself and my friend were on a very tight budget and we would go out on a Friday night after dinner, have an ice cream and then head to the cinema. That is where I discovered this absolute beauty. It is a cup, two scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream, a drizzling of hot fudge sauce and topped with whipped cream. Wow - it is the absolute best, that hot fudge melting the cold ice cream! When @cheese4ead came to visit, I introduced this to him. Imagine my happiness to discover Baskin Robbins in Bahrain. It meant we could introduce @monorossado to the delights. What she didn’t know is that there was a store just up the road. Every now and then after she had gone to bed, one of us would head up the road to get some sneaky sundaes!!! Yes, there was Baskin Robbins in Thailand, but they didn’t do the hot fudge - Boo, so it’s been a while. I could eat one right now.

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