(ENG/ESP) Angel Guardian - Chapter 2 Pag 15 / Angel Guardian - Capítulo 2 Pag 15




A pesar de no ser el alumno más brillante que ha tenido Gersiel, Kyrsiel tiene algunas aptitudes a su favor cuando decide enfocarse.

Para su enemigo, el que un aprendiz de ángel lo derrumbara ha sido una gran humillación, ya que no se espera que alguien con tan bajo nivel de experiencia pueda realizar algo así.

En la vida real, también suele pasar. A veces nos encontramos con personas que subestiman nuestras habilidades por diferentes motivos: falta de experiencia, de edad, de madurez, etc.

La principal persona que debe creer que somos capaces de realizar algo, somos nosotros mismos. Si permitimos que la percepción de otra persona hacia nosotros nos limite, nunca podremos desplegar todo nuestro potencial.

Cree que puedes lograrlo, aprende las habilidades que requieras para ello y veras que pronto, los que no creyeron que podías realizarlo te preguntarán "¿Cómo lo hiciste posible?"

¡Hasta el siguiente artículo!


Capítulo 1

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Despite not being the brightest student Gersiel has ever had, Kyrsiel does have a few qualities going for him when he chooses to focus.

For his enemy, being knocked down by an angel apprentice has been a great humiliation, since someone with such a low level of experience is not expected to be able to do such a thing.

In real life, this often happens too. Sometimes we find people who underestimate our abilities for different reasons: lack of experience, age, maturity, etc.

The main person who must believe that we are capable of doing something is ourselves. If we allow another person's perception of us to limit us, we will never be able to unfold our full potential.

Believe that you can do it, learn the skills you need to do it and you will see that soon, those who did not believe you could do it will ask you "How did you make it possible?"

Until the next article!


Disclaimer: English is not my native language. Even when I have a conversational level, I can make a lot mistakes in the structure of the sentences. Feel free to kindly correct me. It will help me in my learning process. Thanks for your understanding.


Chapter 1

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