Venezuela is betting on cryptocurrencies.


Greetings to all my dear readers and followers of this valuable community, today I will share with you all a very important news for users of cryptocurrencies in Venezuela and is that in Maracay Aragua state took place the II National Congress of Cryptocurrencies Active Aragua 2021, This important event was organized by the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities (SUNACRIP) and by the Network of Cryptoeconomy Enthusiasts (REC) and was held at the Marriot of Maracay from December 16 to 18..

Despite the difficult economic, political and social situation Venezuela is going through, this South American country is one of the few countries in the region that bets on economic growth through the digital economy betting and believing firmly in cryptocurrencies and this was demonstrated with the II National Congress of Cryptocurrencies Active Aragua 2021, in this congress was attended by the support and presence of executives of one of the most important exchanges in the cryptocurrency market such as Binance. The presence of Binance executives undoubtedly gives an additional plus to all the points that were addressed in this congress.

Among the themes and/or topics that were addressed in this congress we can mention the following, trading in Venezuela, cryptocurrencies, digital mining, legal framework, among other relevant aspects related to this world, this event was under the direct responsibility of the Network of Cryptoeconomy Enthusiasts (REC) and the National Superintendence of Cryptoassets and Related Activities (SUNACRIP), Despite the fact that the Venezuelan government leaders have not made the best economic decisions for this country, this decision to promote cryptocurrencies, in my opinion, can turn the economic course around and start to recover, as I am a faithful believer that cryptocurrencies will be the ones to rule the new economy of the world.


This important event that took place in Maracay, Aragua state, specifically in the facilities of the Marriot Hotel had a plus of additional value as it counted with the presence of some of the directors of the Binance Exchange, the presence of these directors undoubtedly gives credibility to this event that seeks the way to promote the knowledge of Venezuelans about cryptocurrencies and how they can change the economy of a country. According to some government spokespersons who were present at the event, they stated that they wish to promote petro-tourism in Venezuela and for this purpose citizens must be well informed about cryptocurrencies.

In Venezuela there is a digital currency called Petro whose value is subject to the US dollar and works as a stablecoin, the value of one Petro is 55 dollars and the way in which this digital currency can be acquired is through the Patria Platform and the PetroApp, although there is still a long way to go for Venezuela to recover from this economic debacle I believe that with cryptocurrencies it is pointing in the right direction, hopefully acts of corruption do not affect this important project that can help to recover the economy of our country.

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