The End - I 'V'inished My Book


Proud of myself!

Yesterday night, I managed to finish the first edition of my book 'Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey' - a project that I have been working on ( and off on ), and of which I have been sharing fragments; in written word, visuals and spoken word, for almost exactly 2 years now.

I dislike deadlines ( the world alone sounds negative ) but, three and a half weeks ago, I decided to set a target date:
My mom's 70th birthday
: April 21st.

As I had to leave for Lisbon today, to fly to The Netherlands tomorrow, and I wanted to travel light ( no laptop ) and also be free to not work on my book, after my arrival, I had to finish yesterday.

And so I did. Yesterday night...

I was very close to uploading a pdf to a print on demand service and ordering 22 copies ( my favorite number ) but then my wifi kept breaking up and the website kept giving me upload errors.

This was a sign for me that it's good enough, the way it is, for now.

I was also broken, my back hurt quite a lot and I had to start focusing on today's trip.

So I wetransferred the file to my email.

On Saturday, as my late father would have done, I will hand my mom a 'homemade' looking version of my book: printed on paper and still containing some typos and other welcome imperfections.

FYI: I asked no one to proof read this version.

I'll probably let my mom do that.

Even if I don't, she will ;^)

Although one of my aims these days is to slay perfectionism, to be kinder and more true to myself, I will probably still make some small tweaks, before I really consider this 'good enough' for a wider release.

really small changes

This is not a product, it's just a part of my process, that now turned into a book.

It's me, right now.

To get back to my dad:

He bundled a collection of his poems for her, every single birthday of her's, from the late 70s/ early 80s, up till the moment that he wasn't able to do so any longer, last year.

Instead, last year, my younger brother and his girlfriend decided to bundle most of my dad's poems in one big bundle, of hundreds of pages.

Last Summer we read many of those poems to my dad. It made him smile, he enjoyed it.

In a way, I am taking over from him, this year.

I just hope that my mom doesn't expect me to come up with a new book, every single year.

I also want to live and this was quite a struggle, to be honest.

I'll see if I can figure out the printing during my two week stay in The Netherlands, so I can arrange some actual book prints too, while I'm there.

And now back to Lisbon!

To Be Convinued...

Me in the kitchen area of my hostel like hotel, with a smoothened out face ( strange phone! ) and a bookshelf wallpaper behind me :^)

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