Let's Try to Finish my next book (be)for(e) my mom's 70th Birthday

Today I had an insight:

Why not try to finish my book Hypersensitivosaurus and Cold Turkey in the next couple of weeks, so I can have a printed version ready for my mom's 70th birthday ( April 21st ), when I visit her, in The Netherlands.

I feel I have been pretty close to finishing this book, for a long, long time now, but I got sidetracked and finished another book instead, a year ago, and then my dad passed away, last September and although I had returned to working on this book, again, it became very hard to focus and to even see the point in it all.

I am feeling it again though, the creatives juices are slowly starting to flow more and it might be that the podcast that I recently began also has some effect.

I still have a lot to do and probably only have up till April the 15th or so, as I will be heading to The Netherlands some days before my mom's 70th, but I feel that it must be possible to at least come up with a first print, even if it's a kind of rough version.

Also, putting this message out here, on my blog, will hopefully hold me accountable ;^)

So, fingers crossed. 🤞

I know for sure that my mom will be surprised ( she kind of stopped reading my blog a while ago, due to distractions, understandably so ) and I might even be able to keep this a secret from my siblings.


P.S. The pic above this post, a quick Hypersensitivosaurus sketchy, was made by my 9 year old nephew, this afternoon, in a nearby park. Yes, he can draw better than this but I think it's very cute and I didn't ask him for this. It was, in fact, the first thing he came up with, after getting some paper to draw on and some oil pastels. Pretty cool, right? :^)

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