Stick Figure #1

I discovered something snake-like, in the potted plant on my veranda.
At first, I thought it was poisonous but as soon as I saw it's innocent, almost stupid looking face, I knew it was harmless.

I searched for a twig, let the creature crawl on it/ wrap itself around it and gave the thing a little tour through my garden.

It seemed to enjoy this, as it kept on smiling. In fact , it's smile seemed to widen ( or was this just my imagination?) and I decided to call it 'Stick Figure'.

What do you think? Cute or not?

It seems to like me and I took a liking to it too, so I am considering to keep it as a pet - in a glass jar, with holes in the top for it to breathe through. I will feed it leaves and the occasional bug or two, if needed, and might let it crawl in the garden, every now and then.

Fun Fact: Stick Figure came into being, yesterday afternoon ( although the idea came to me the night before ), while thinking of the pole dancing 'Monster of Disco' ( as shown in my profile picture or last October's Break Dancing vs. Pole Dancing ). I then imagined all 'The Other Monsters' pole dancing and having fun, and thought I could experiment with little (clay) monsters around sticks. This is the first one that came into being.

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