grandmother's longing

Hello friends of this community in which I am writing for the first time, since it allowed me to remember a very special moment in my life,my family is big, very united and above all fun, we have been together for more than three decades because my grandparents were always present.

This birthday was very special, of course only now I realize that at that time we only knew that we were united, fun, joyful and happy.
We always thought that it would be just another birthday and that for the next one it would be bigger and we would all be laughing and smiling again.

But we didn't realize that it's not like that, the visda only plays tricks on you, that's why we usually tend to celebrate everything and be as present as possible, but above all we have the habit of telling ourselves how much we love each other because tomorrow we don't know.

We always remember when we talk about festivities that birthday when we thought we had everything and at the moment, there was nowhere to give the candy, a time when you could buy everything but who had that task did not arrive on time, and with children you can not always improvise but for that there are grandmothers who always with their calm and experience can solve any problem.

So we cut out paper and the photos are only of half a body because on the table there was only decoration, we still laughed a lot but it is different now, grandma is not here but she taught us that joy does not overshadow the lack of dishes.

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hola amigos de esta comunidad en la que escribo por primera vez,ya que me permitio recordar un momento muy especial de mi vida,mi familia es grande muy unida y sobre todo divertida,congeniamos mas de tres décadas porque siempre estaban los abuelos presentes

este cumpleaños fue muy especial ,claro solo ahora me doy cuenta de ello en aquel momento solo sabiamos que estabamos unidos,divertidos alegres y feliz.

siempre pensamos que seria un cumpleaños mas y que para el proximo seria mas grande y estariamos nuevamente todos riendo y sonriendo.
pero no nos dimos cuenta que no es asi,la visda solo te juega malas pasadas por eso normalmente tendemos a festejar todo y estar lo mas presente posible pero sobre todo tenemos como habito decirnos cuanto nos queremos porque mañana no sabemos.

siempre recordamos cuando se habla de festividades ese cumpleaños que creíamos que lo teniamos todo y de momento,no había donde dar los dulces,una época en donde podías adquirir de todo pero quien tenia esa tarea no llego a tiempo,y con niños no siempre puedes improvisar pero para eso estan los abuelas ella siempre con su calma y experiencia hacen solucionar cualquier problema

por tanto recortamos papel y las fotos solo son de medio cuerpo pues en la mesa solo había decoracion todavía nos reímos mucho pero ya es diferente no esta la abuela pero ella nos enseño que la alegria no la opaca ni la falta de platos

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