Nysc Camp Days: A Happy Story, A Happy Ending?

There's been a caught! Over! Over!!! Can we just end this however and go back home?!
My colleagues and I have been screaming this from our minds without saying a word and we do know what we all want in the present situation.

Before I spill what the present is about, how about a throwback to what has happened and still lives in our head especially with the pictures and experiences we went through... Our Nysc Camp Days.


Nysc is a one year compulsory service program all eligible Nigerian graduates are made to undergo before they proceed for acquiring more degrees or get a qualified professional Jobs in the country. The program aims to train graduates to be ready for whatever hardship, build togetherness as they bring different tribes in one space and also to foster the growth of the country.

Well, there has always been a caught for most service set but my set had a happy beginning.


It wasn't that I was happy when I saw where (the state) I was posted to go do my one year service to the country but I was excited for what awaits me and so you could tell from those pictures that I arrived safely, happy and ready for the activities to roll out.

From the welcome speech, to breakfast, to swearing in parade... It was still very much exciting for me. I mean, who wouldn't be excited to experience something for the first time? I enjoyed my firsts at the camp.


The more days at the camp, the harder it got for myself and the others as the pressure kept increasing but mind you, it was still a happy story for most of us especially me. From easy to difficult military trainings, to rehearsals for final day showcase with less sleep and even less eating.

We also had a special day when the director General came visiting and gifted us with lots of meats to bless our stomach. It was memorable because we were given the chance to prepare it as we wanted... Tell me if this isn't a happy story hehe.


My sweetest first during camp days was joining the volleyball girls team. I had never played the game before so I learned with 14 days and more happily, we played in the finals and won. I was definitely a good server in all the games we played, everyone confirmed that to me... Still a happy story haha.

In camp, I can still remember clearly how assuring they sounded when we asked about the security status of the state. We were made to believe that we would have no issue until our service year is over.

Well, there's been a caught and now, I'm made to wonder if this story would have a happy ending... I really hope so.


It's been over 8 months since our camping days, haven't been a very peaceful 8months but right now, there's an issue. Two days ago, some of my colleagues at a particular area had to hide in fear after a long session of gunshots close to their lodge. It was a scary moment for them and a fearful story to myself and the others who heard about it.

There's no movement for all of us
and we are awaiting being reposted to other areas they think is safer for us to go about our service duties. Is this going to be a happy ending? I pray and hope so.

All images used are mine

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