A Bittersweet Celebration: Overcoming Adversity to Sign Out".

It shouldn't have chosen that day of all days, but who am I to decide? My body was giving itself the thorough rest it deserved after weeks of starvation. With my final undergraduate examination just a week away and our official sign-out date endorsed by the department's management looming, I had pushed myself too hard.
My friends and I had struggled to prepare for the grueling calculation course, we often would study late into the night. We formed study groups, quizzed each other, and shared notes. I didn't realize I was overdoing it until my body broke down just days before sign-out. Missing out on this milestone event filled me with depression, worsening my health.

The D-day arrived, and I wasn't feeling any better. Honestly, if not for my parents, I wouldn't have minded attending despite my condition. I thought I could manage myself for picture time and signing my friends' white T-shirts – a cultural tradition to preserve memories of course mates, friends, and acquaintances.
My friends were kind,they almost blew
my phone in their attempt to check on me. Their concerns felt like the medicine I needed, and they even sent me pictures from the event. Seeing their smiling faces and knowing they were thinking of me gave
me a momentary sense of comfort.

A day later, I decided to celebrate my official sign-out from university in my own way. With one paper left, I planned around that day. I informed my brothers and a few couple of friends about my intentions. On the day of my last exam, my pen danced freely on the answer sheet- I had plenty of time to review notes from my sickbed. After finishing, my brothers joined me,bringing a cake that perfectly commemorated the occasion. We took pictures and signed shirts.
Not only that, my brothers took I and my friends out, with the bills on them. I ate to my satisfaction haven't ordered the perfect cuisine for such celebratory occasion - Nigeria jollof rice,fried chicken and salad.
"Thank God for yiur illness Dee, we wouldn't have had this much fun saying our farewells, one of my friends said as she wrestled with the fried crispy chicken wings on her plate.

In retrospect, that challenging period taught me resilience. Despite missing the initial sign-out, I created my own celebration, surrounded by loved ones. I realized that sometimes, life's unexpected twists can lead to unique experiences.This journey has shaped me into a stronger person, capable of overcoming obstacles. My relationships with friends and family have deepened, and I've learned to appreciate the little things. I closed that chapter of my life, grateful for the struggles and triumphs.

The memories, both bitter and sweet, will stay with me forever. I'll cherish the laughter, the tears, and the late-night conversations with friends. I'll remember the professors who guided me and the mentors who inspired me.
In the end, it wasn't just a sign-out celebration; it was a testament to my growth, a reminder that even in adversity, there's always something to be grateful for.

© Medemausi

All pictures are mine.

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