Unique concert

Hello everyone! Very good idea to create this space to share those memories that marked us in one way or another. I found out about this community thanks to a post by @mipiano and here I am.

On the night of March 25 and early morning of March 26, 2016 took place in Cuba, the Rolling Stones concert.

Perhaps for many it is just a concert. Although I don't think so...it's the Rolling Stones 😜. But for us Cubans, that event had an enormous transcendence.

To give you a brief summary. During some years of the last century several fashionable musical groups were banned in our island.

The youth of that time lived by secretly listening to vinyl records and cassettes of those singers. The possibility of any of those groups or soloists giving a concert in Cuba was a utopia.

But life moves on and minds evolve. So here we were, witnessing the miracle.

The concert was talked about for months. I think people still didn't believe it was really going to happen.

For several days they were setting up big audio equipment, lights and many huge screens. They were expecting a huge turnout. I don't know how many days before they started camping in the areas of the Ciudad Deportiva (place where it was going to be held). They were just waiting to be near the stage to see their idols. People of many ages, but especially those young people who dreamed so much about it.

Finally the day arrived. Of course I went, with my husband, my brother, my brother-in-law and their wives. We had to walk about 4 km, the traffic was blocked. Thousands of people were heading in caravan to the concert area.

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It was a sublime night. In my mind was hammering the idea that we were living a unique moment.

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I thought on several occasions how those people who were near the stage, who had been waiting for days...years, must have felt.

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I could only conclude that they were feeling young again and fulfilling their dreams.

It is speculated that close to 500,000 souls were there that night. I was a long way from the stage, though. I'm glad I was one of them.

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Once again life proved to us that if you dream it .... it is possible.

The images are from my personal gallery, some modified in Photoshop. The text is my own written in Spanish and translated at DeepL.

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