My journey from childhood to now in pictures.

This was me on my second birthday. My mum always tells me that I've been lazy since the day I was born. In our family, it's a tradition to take a picture of every child as soon as they start walking. However, I was a bit of a late bloomer—I didn’t start walking until I was two years old, which is why this picture was taken at that time.

This picture was taken at my primary school graduation. I don’t remember too much about the actual day, but one thing that sticks in my memory is that I graduated in 2014. It was a big year for me because after graduation, I had to wait several months before I could start secondary school. The delay was due to the Ebola outbreak that hit around that time, which caused a lot of disruptions. Despite the challenges, I eventually made it into secondary school.


This picture always makes me laugh. I was in high school when I got my first phone, and I was super excited about it. Naturally, I decided to take a selfie to check myself out, so I took this picture while I was upstairs in our former house. Looking at it now, it’s funny to see how much I’ve changed, but one thing has stayed the same—I’ve always been a fresh and fine boy since childhood. 😉

I promise I don’t look like this on a normal day. This picture was taken during my JAMB registration back in 2021. The camerawoman didn’t do me any favors with this shot—my head looks way bigger than it actually is! I know my head is big, but it’s never looked like this before. I guess we can all agree that some pictures just don’t turn out the way we hope.

This one was taken during my WAEC exam period. 2020 was a strange year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. We were initially asked to leave school and go back to our various homes due to the outbreak. The WAEC exams, which were supposed to be held between April and June, were postponed to August. When I returned to school to sit for the exam, the place was extremely quiet and almost empt, since we were the only ones allowed to be there.

This picture was from a picnic with friends last year. While many people, including some of my friends, had a blast and really enjoyed themselves, I didn’t quite feel the same. I’m generally not someone who likes being in large crowds, so I wasn’t very comfortable. However, I did take some pictures, and those were the only things I took away from the picnic. Sometimes, it’s the little memories that stick with us, even when the event itself wasn’t that great.

As you can see, I experienced two major virus outbreaks during my secondary school years—Ebola just as I was about to enter secondary school, and the COVID-19 pandemic right when I was about to leave. These events were challenging, but they also taught me resilience and adaptability.

Anyways, we thank God for growth, and this is literally how I look now. Time flies, and I’m grateful for how far I’ve come.

Thanks for following me to the end of this journey.

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