Throw back to my football experience.

Hello guys, happy Thursday to you all in the Throw back Thursday community. I am @edwincj and I am happy and excited to be here and to see you all today which is Thursday. And as we all know today is Thursday and it is a day where by we throw back on special memories and events that have happened to us, and that has touched us in the past.

I would like to take us back to one of the events that have happened to me in the past, it was a very interesting and important event that happened to me. I followed my junior brother to a football screening competition which was meant for Under Thirteen (13). It was a very interesting screening and it was tough though, all the players from different places where their for screening. It was a screening for a very big competition where different players would come and play together and eventually some would get picked and taken to another level to continue playing.

The screening went successful and it many players were screened out at the process. My brother on the other hand was not taken out, he passed the screening test. And they are having a competition to play on Friday. That was their first match that they were having and I hope they play their best.

The screening went successful and it was very interactive because their were different footballers that was their. So they all shared their experience. It made me to start missing back then when I played ball, and I can wait to start playing football again. Thanks for stopping by and have a good Thursday. See you all next week. Bye.

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