Drone Aerial Photography - Photo story about farmers plowing rice fields

Hello Hiver in Drone Community Lover

How are you all today, I hope you are doing well wherever you are

On this occasion, I would like to share a short story and some photos that I captured with a drone camera while visiting a rice farming area. It's been a long time since I took photos there, and I think this is the right time to capture the moment at that location. Currently farmers are starting to plow their fields several months after harvest.

Pada kesempatan kali ini, saya ingin berbagi cerita pendek dan beberapa foto yang saya abadikan dengan kamera drone saat mengunjungi kawasan pertanian sawah. Sudah lama saya tidak memotret di sana, dan saya rasa ini adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengabadikan momen di lokasi tersebut. Saat ini para petani sedang mulai membajak sawah mereka setelah beberapa bulan pasca panen.

As we know, Indonesia only has two seasons each year, namely the rainy season and the dry season. Usually, mid-July marks the start of the rainy season in some areas in Indonesia. Therefore, farmers only have two opportunities to plant rice in their fields.

Seperti yang kita ketahui, Indonesia hanya memiliki dua musim setiap tahunnya, yaitu musim hujan dan kemarau. Biasanya, pertengahan bulan Juli menandakan awal musim hujan di sebagian daerah di Indonesia. Oleh karena itu, para petani hanya memiliki kesempatan dua kali menanam padi di sawah mereka.

Apart from that, almost all regions in Indonesia only rely on rainwater to irrigate their rice fields. When the dry season arrives, farmers do not plow their fields.

Selain itu, hampir di seluruh daerah di Indonesia hanya mengandalkan air hujan untuk mengairi areal sawah mereka. Saat musim kemarau tiba, para petani tidak membajak sawah mereka.

OK, that's all my post on this occasion. Hopefully my photography content posts can entertain you wherever you are.

Baiklah, itu saja postingan saya pada kesempatan kali ini. Semoga postingan konten fotografi saya ini bisa menjadikan kalian terhibur dimana pun kalian berada.

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All Picture Taken With Drone Mavic Air 2 Camera
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