PhotoFeed Contest - Cityscape - Imposing Hilltop Estate

Hello everyone,

I caught a glimpse of this pair of 1960's apartment buildings from where I live in south London and wanted to check it out. You might recognise it from a recent McDonald's advert. It is situated on a large hill formed by waste earth dug out when a railway was constructed.

The estate took eight years to build and in the past has been called "one of the most remarkable housing developments in the country" by a newspaper. The unique design of the building was to ensure that each flat had a decent-ish panoramic view.

Dawsons Hill 1 rotated.jpg

Dawsons Hill 5.jpg

Dawsons Hill 4.jpg

Dawsons Hill 3.jpg

Dawsons Hill 2.jpg

Another location off the bucket list!

Until the next time.

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