As Unique as a Human

Canva designed

Today we are going to have a discussion on human beings, the captivating creatures called homo sapiens and factors that set us apart. I feel very excited as we tackle this post which is based on the Inleo community prompt for today.

As humans, we have come a long way trying to learn more about ourselves - our very lives (biology), behavior (psychology), adaptation and cultures. We are constantly exploring our place in the world and what makes us unique. We will look at some of the major aspects of human nature in this blog post through answering these questions:

  1. Do we have any purpose in this life? We shall go into different views about purpose and meaning in humans.

  2. What shapes our personality? The focus of personality growth theories and what makes us who we are shall find answers here.

  3. How do we adapt? A number of biological and cultural evolution examples throughout history will be provided to answer this question.

  4. Why are there such cultural differences? An insight into how geography has shaped varied beliefs and practices between different communities will be the focus in answering this question.

To gain a deeper understanding of ourselves, Homo sapiens, the truly amazing human race, we have our target set on answering these questions. Hence, let us get started with the discussion right away!

Do we have a purpose for being here?

The debate about human purpose has been from time in memorial in history. From an evolutionary perspective, our major goal is to strive to survive by reproduction and passing on our genes to subsequent generations. The view sees humans as just one more animal species subject to natural selection.

However, several spiritual and religious traditions believe that we are not just here to survive but were created by a higher power or deity for a specific purpose. For example, Christianity and Islam both teach that humans exist so as they can worship God and obey Him. Some philosophical schools argue that seeking spiritual enlightenment or finding meaning through life experiences is what defines our purpose.

Different scientific and metaphysical viewpoints reveal whether there exists an inherent reason behind our existence or if instead we define it ourselves through free choice and personal belief systems. The way we understand who we are through the theological and philosophical lenses directly affects how significant this sense of purpose becomes.

What shapes our personality?

Character makes us who we are as individuals. It is all about what we think, how we feel about it and act on it. But what actually creates our unique character? Well, the answer is simple; nature versus nurture.

The environment in which we are brought up contributes to who we become by the way we are raised. Experiences that people would have and relationships formed contribute to personality development of an individual. According to Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalytic theory of personality development early psychologists believed that personality results from unconscious desires and childhood experiences.

Trait theories argue that people’s personalities can be assessed using various traits such as introversion versus extroversion, neuroticism vs emotional stability , agreeableness vs antagonism or openness vs closeness to new experiences . And also situation matters because where one finds himself or herself could alter thoughts or behavior too.

There is no single factor that can illustrate all the little details which makes every one of us different. It is actually a combination of our genetic composition, the surroundings in which we grow up, and social factors we experience throughout our lives. They all contribute to shaping our individuality.

How do we adapt?

The ability to adapt sets humans apart from others. People have been successful in inhabiting various types of environments across the globe and this has been made possible by biological and cultural adaptations.

Biologically people have had to adapt themselves to different climates. For example individuals living in hot regions have naturally developed darker skin to shield themselves from the sun. Also, some of us developed lactose tolerance when we started domesticating animals like cows.

However, it’s not only biological adaptation that makes us adaptive. Culturally, humans have made some impressive adjustments too. Our early ancestors invented new tools and techniques that assisted them to survive in different places while migrating. In the Arctic they constructed igloos and used sled dogs because winters were severe there, while in tropical areas they fished, sailed and discovered new crops.

And even in our lifetime it is possible for us to adjust to new conditions. Immigrants learn different languages and customs from one generation to another. Those who have been through hard times now have resilience. Moreover, with modern comforts available, it is easier than ever before to lead a sedentary lifestyle.

This adaptability has made humans favorable to every part of the world. Whilst genetic evolution occurs slowly over time, we have evolved culturally at a rapid pace due to our accumulated knowledge, technology and social learning. This is why we are true Homo sapiens - our ability to adjust ourselves easily.

Why are there such cultural differences?

There are various reasons why some cultures evolve differently, It cannot be all the same everywhere. For instance, consider Central Africa. The thick rainforests and highlands were isolated, and these small groups such as Pygmy hunter-gatherers found it a perfect location where they could really thrive in this forest environment.

However, In other places, things were different. There were favorable conditions which supported the growth of such amazing civilizations like ancient Egypt. They were all situated along the Nile River valley. Having trade and agriculture taking place enabled them to develop into this super advanced society of today.

In the Western and Central parts of Africa, a number of empires emerged along the trade routes across the Sahara. Alternately blending ideas from other places with their own languages, religions and politics was an amazing characteristic of these places. And even before Europeans arrived, Great Zimbabwe had complex urban planning.

However, there were various ecosystems within Africa that resulted in different types of adaptation. On the East African savannah for instance, there were groups such as Masai who were good at herding livestock. In West Africa’s fertile grasslands however, they concentrated on agriculture of staple crops and creating a strong economy . The coastline as well as riverine areas also had their own fishing traditions.

Over 2000 African ethnicities still maintain their identities despite modern changes up to now. It is incredible because the variety is proof of how long this continent has been around and all its different landscapes. Isolation plus contacts have truly contributed to shaping rich cultural tapestry in Africa.

So, to sum it all up, this whole exploration has shown how really intricate we are as human beings. On both biological and cultural levels, we have demonstrated remarkable adaptability and evolution. We are great thinkers and problem solvers hence our success in different environments across the globe. Although there might be disagreements as to why man exists on earth, this shared drive for development is common among all of us.

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