There Is Too Much Pressure on The Male Gender

Hey guys, I hope this post meets you well. Today is about gender and the stress or perks that come with it. Different people have different opinions on whether or not one gender has it easier than the other. I will share my opinion here. Even though I acknowledge everyone grows up to meet a certain level of responsibility regardless of gender, I believe that ladies have certain benefits that may make their lives easier in a way. Before you disagree vehemently, I will explain. using different factors.

First, girls have an edge in social support networks. Even though this cannot be said to be their fault, girls are very emotional and it translates to how they support each other in cases of emotional breakdown. Society has made it okay for them to show their emotions but tag it weakness if the men do the same. This goes to make them even more mentally sound than the guys. Yes, we have friends but I tell you, society makes it hard for us to be emotionally catered to.


Another area where you see girls getting it easier than guys is in the area of making wealth and becoming financially stable. Even though it is beginning to change as more girls and parents are getting more enlightened, the male gender is looked down on even at the early age of 30 if they have not made the kind of money society sees as appropriate. Girls on the other hand are given grace and told to search for a husband instead. This is even seen when the wealth of the girls who have left the status quo to make money is attributed to one husband somewhere, even if they are not married. The society sees it as abnormal

We can agree also that there are double standards when it comes to social benefits. In certain social contexts, like dating, women are frequently given preference and conventional gender norms require that the guys should be the ones to make the first move and even bear the financial costs in relationships. You hear statements like "His money is our money and my money is my money." This mounts automatic pressure on the male gender.


Or should I talk about safety and security? Who does the Bible call the weaker vessels? The female gender. This makes society see the male gender as the very strong, macho guardian angels that must not know weakness or get tord. Must always be the protectors, the saviours and all. Who protects the boys then? They're left to protect themselves I guess.

In conclusion, I love to add before I am misconstrued, I love that I am a man and love all the masculinity I exude but I must say as I end this piece; Men are humans too and need all the care and love. Yes, we understand what society has put on us to do, but at least give us grace to figure it out. Thank you for reading.

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